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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#15323 A Grant 5 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul 27, 2011 
#10400 Ad #7 - Your in good hands... 11 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Sep 23, 2010 
#15610 what's left? 4 Bart Henning (blazers67) Aug 22, 2011 
#16184 Diamond Axe 4 Sebastian (Dorako123) Oct 25, 2011 
#3671 Close-up #36 34 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Sep 26, 2008 
#15585 Revenge... 10 Joel Lynn (furface1) Aug 19, 2011 
#14024 volcano 7 Maggie Johns (Magginni) Aug 23, 2011 
#7447 Greatness 12 Bartholemew Newburger (burgerdude) Dec 19, 2009 
#15795 Mr. Smiley 3 Kayla Aldridge (KMA61290) Sep 10, 2011 
#6126 silly 2 Emily Brown (WallyBobo) Jun 19, 2009 
#15350 HOME 7 Jaime Thornton (caress982003) Jul 29, 2011 
#2260 i rule 11 chani morgenstern (SuperGirl.1) Feb  6, 2008 
#2262 Rock Man 15 Phil Cudlob (redskinsfan21) Feb  7, 2008 
#7431 Lawn Ornament 12 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 17, 2009 
#7428 Let's go for a drive! 9 Fran (rmm) Dec 17, 2009 
#2267 A Colorful Arrangement 36 Sunset Smiley (sunsetsmiley) Feb 10, 2008 
#15613 Scared? 8 Bart Henning (blazers67) Aug 21, 2011 
#7429 It might rain! 10 Fran (rmm) Dec 17, 2009 
#15889 for LILLY 6 Georgia Johns (georgia) Sep 24, 2011 
#15765 Apple's 10 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Sep  7, 2011 
#10394 Haloween's Coming! 23 sdubois (sdubois) Sep 17, 2010 
#15650 Who felt it? 18 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Aug 24, 2011 
#15676 Fruit or vegetable? 17 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Aug 27, 2011 
#14047 Hut, hut - hike! 9 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Aug 26, 2011 
#15686 the most popular book 1 Sharon Underkoffler (shar71) Aug 28, 2011 
#10395 Abstract 5 Deniz Kara (enatsek) Sep 17, 2010 
#15717 Where the heart is. 2 Mindy Walton (minjw90) Aug 30, 2011 
#7439 Gather them up! 8 Fran (rmm) Dec 17, 2009 
#14790 Kitchen Utensil #6 7 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jun 20, 2011 
#10325 minimalism - Dino Cager 14 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Sep 13, 2010 
#15824 Shhh! 9 larrry grizzard (gizzard) Sep 15, 2011 
#15877 Talkin' Bout Minecraft 2 Ginger (acdr21) Sep 23, 2011 
#16111 Elog 5 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Oct 19, 2011 
#2293 Platforms 11 asobi (asobi) Feb 15, 2008 
#16145 if it round... GIMMIE! 2 arlo the epic (me.1) Oct 22, 2011 
#15923 An unfortunate new movie trend 12 Emily Davies (scaramoucheEm) Sep 28, 2011 
#16007 Flipper 6 Bart Henning (blazers67) Oct  9, 2011 
#3682 paper clip 4 Nathan Gray (nath) Sep 27, 2008 
#16348 Heart for LOVE 1 Jacqueline Toh (jacqueline) Nov 12, 2011 
#16472 Crowning Achievement 7 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov 24, 2011 
#10446 Mr.West :D 5 SKYKNIGHTKICKSYOOA55 (SkyKnight) Sep 23, 2010 
#7503 marks the spot 2 Sheila Clancy (sclancy) Dec 26, 2009 
#16200 3D 2 Thales (shoseyov) Oct 27, 2011 
#10522 FIRE!!! 7 Matt Royer (prowler0406) Oct  1, 2010 
#14014 Happy! Happy! 8 Maggie Johns (Magginni) May 20, 2011 
#3689 My first puzzle 12 T Fisher (fishert) Sep 29, 2008 
#7466 Blah 8 Catherine Bergmann (acesbutterfly88) Dec 21, 2009 
#16748 Puzzle in a puzzle 5 Brian R (bebr117) Dec 13, 2011 
#2312 Peace 19 katherine (katherineb) Feb 21, 2008 
#2313 Preschooler test 22 m2 (mercymercy) Feb 21, 2008 
#16468 Gym 4 2 Elizabeth Staarmann (maureren) Nov 21, 2011 
#3164 1960s Icon 6 Valerie Mates (valerie) Jul 27, 2008 
#16497 A seasonal mathematical pun 22 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Nov 23, 2011 
#16250 WCP#96 One... 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Oct 31, 2011 
#2321 Copy of whats on 10 chani morgenstern (SuperGirl.1) Feb 21, 2008 
#7501 Stripes 10 Deanna W (Silkbear) Dec 26, 2009 
#10730 Seven-ten 11 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Oct 17, 2010 
#16494 Another sparkly thing... (this one's for Destyny) 11 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Nov 22, 2011 
#7722 diamond 4 jason marsh (jmarsh10) Feb  4, 2010 
#16798 Something is wrong with my operating system... 12 Tom King (sgusa) Dec 17, 2011 
#3166 Joe 11 Valerie Mates (valerie) Jul 27, 2008 
#16369 After a cat-nap... 8 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Nov 14, 2011 
#14855 Quilt thingy here I come #2 8 Maggie Johns (Magginni) Jun 22, 2011 
#16528 My 2nd puzzle..... (really have no idea what was going through my head) 6 catelyn jones (catelyn123) Nov 26, 2011 
#9972 Hard to name. 9 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Aug 16, 2010 
#16488 Re Sparkly Challenge 9 Elizabeth Staarmann (maureren) Nov 22, 2011 
#16653 Marz Challenge: A Day in September 4 Skippy Miller (gmillvmill) Dec  6, 2011 
#3167 Down Up Up 11 Valerie Mates (valerie) Jul 27, 2008 
#16519 Backyard Essentials #4 11 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Nov 25, 2011 
#16525 Backyard Essentials #7 8 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Nov 26, 2011 
#16539 Getting ready... 10 Alex Klages (metalfoot) Nov 28, 2011 
#16607 Sym SmlFc 4 PipPip (rtid9) Dec  4, 2011 
#4398 Killer App 12 K Chouinard (codenumerator) Dec 16, 2008 
#16560 peace 5 Monique Bu (umbuissm) Dec  1, 2011 
#16123 we need a bigger boat!! 8 Stephanie Zahnzinger (stz1229) Oct 20, 2011 
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