peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty:
solvability: moderate lookahead
Puzzle Description Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers
#1: Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) on May 29, 2012
I have to guess.#2: marjorie rex (mamo) on May 29, 2012
Solvability: No guessing at all!
fun solve#3: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on May 29, 2012
thx for entry#4: Kadou (Kadou) on May 29, 2012
600 pixels#5: Jota (jota) on May 29, 2012
They keep growing, don't they Kadou?#6: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on May 29, 2012
Thanks Kristen!
Kadou, look back at the rules. They say 50 rows and columns, not 50 pixels :)#7: Skippy Miller (gmillvmill) on May 29, 2012
For Kadou's credit, it did say pixels earlier, but has recenlty changed. It said pixels when I did mine or I would have made my puzzle bigger.#8: Tripper (TripperCR) on May 29, 2012
It did say pixels!!!#9: Jota (jota) on May 29, 2012
Yes! It was my mistake, I changed and apologized to Kadou, should have apologized to everyone. Sorry!#10: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on May 29, 2012
I guess I just assumed it meant 50 rows & columns, because the normal rules say max 80.#11: Jota (jota) on May 29, 2012
Exactly! I meant R/C and wrote pixels.#12: bugaboo (bugaboo) on May 29, 2012
after initial line logic:#13: BlackCat (BlackCat) on May 29, 2012
el on the 14 clue in r30 to dot c1-3 (you can dot more than this but c1-3 is all that is necessary)
ll to finish
no guessing
Ugh.#14: John Macdonald (perlwolf) on May 29, 2012 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#15: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on May 29, 2012
Why "ugh"?#16: Teresa K (fasstar) on May 29, 2012
I love it. Not only was it fun to solve, it gave me a big laugh when I finished and recognized the image. :-D#17: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on May 30, 2012
Thanks!#18: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on May 31, 2012
Interesting#19: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Jul 12, 2012
Found to be logically solvable by gator.
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