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Comments on Puzzle #16509: Ryder's Monster
By Ellen Vollor (evollor)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: line & color logic only  

Puzzle Description:

Again, my grandson!!

#1: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Nov 24, 2011

he is one scary looking grandson!
(yes i know you were referring to your comments on your previous puzzle, about the plane requested by your grandson)

great solve
this is one of those rare puzzles with not a single pixel able to be placed initially by the computer yet completely solvable with line and color logic

the key areas to get are the black clues of the claws
#2: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Nov 25, 2011
Your grandson has a vivid imagination Ellen,this is a good thing.:)
#3: Teresa K (fasstar) on Nov 25, 2011
I think he might have jealousy issues. :-)
#4: Ellen Vollor (evollor) on Nov 25, 2011
Thank you, all. Yes, Ryder has quite the imagination for a four year old. Teresa, I don't think that he has jealousy issues, he just would prefer to stay up with grandma than go to bed (he might miss something). LOL
#5: Teresa K (fasstar) on Nov 25, 2011 [SPOILER]
No, I think the monster has jealousy issues. I have heard that jealousy is called the green-eyed monster. :-D
#6: Joel Lynn (furface1) on Nov 26, 2011 [HINT] [SPOILER]
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