peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty:
solvability: line & color logic only
Puzzle Description:
This puzzle is based on a discussion I was having with my Cuban-American husband recently about how close the US came to bombing Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Apparently JFK actually wrote a speech for after the bombing was to occur, and any number of things could have swayed him in that direction. This would have been a pretty big butterfly.
#1: Jota (jota) on Apr 2, 2011
Thanks for a thought provoking entry! Makes you wonder ...#2: Jane Doe (telly) on Apr 2, 2011 [SPOILER]
That would have been truly sad! Glad it didn't happen. :)#3: Meira Bracha (mbracha) on Apr 3, 2011
Scary, but not offensive. You aren't saying this would have been a good thing!#4: Byrdie (byrdie) on Apr 3, 2011
Perhaps something you would like to change? Not ever to have happened?#5: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Apr 3, 2011
i am also wondering what your goal was with this puzzle#6: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Apr 5, 2011
the theme was something you would like to "witness or interfere" (with)
so are you saying you would like to have witnessed the speech he was going to give? or to have witnessed the bombing? or you would like to change the fact that the bombing never even came close to happening?
interesting theme anyway
a WOW for you, Liz... i soooo remember being nervous, i was in the service at the time#7: Liz P (lizteach) on Apr 6, 2011 [SPOILER]
Yeah, bug, it was only loosely based on the theme. I simply had the idea that it would have taken very little to interfere and change things so that JFK would have attacked Cuba, according to the historians.#8: Trish (tryingmysoul) on Apr 6, 2011
Not offensive~just thought provoking.#9: Beth Baumgartner (valleygirl2) on Sep 5, 2013
I guess the only thought i have is to tease you, Liz, and inquire as to whether or not your name is actually Lucy and if you're married to Desi Arnaz? I'm a HUGE fan of "I Love Lucy"! Jk! LOL! Thx for the puzzle!
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