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solvability: line & color logic only
Puzzle Description:
...poor Humpty Dumpty
#1: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Feb 3, 2011 [SPOILER]
I was going to say "poor Humpty" but you beat me to it. :) Nicely done.#2: Ron Jacobson (shmily999) on Feb 3, 2011 [HINT]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view hints#3: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Feb 3, 2011
he's even saying 0ooops#4: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Feb 3, 2011
Very good puzzle#5: Jane Doe (telly) on Feb 3, 2011
cute. Good job.#6: Joel Lynn (furface1) on Feb 3, 2011 [SPOILER]
Omelets, anyone?#7: BlackCat (BlackCat) on Feb 3, 2011
What a cool little puzzle! Great fun.#8: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Feb 3, 2011
"...and i cant get up"#9: Jota (jota) on Feb 3, 2011
his mouth makes him look like the pringles guy
Thanks for an excellent entry!#10: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Feb 3, 2011 [SPOILER]
See puzzle # 2917#11: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Feb 4, 2011 [SPOILER]
What was Mayor H R Pufnstuf doing on that wall?'s Humpty. Better call in all of the king's horses to see if they can put him back together. I think opposable thumbs might come in handy here.#12: Rich Garrard (KCRich) on Feb 4, 2011
Puzzle #6800 solved! Poor Humpty.#13: Carol Brand (KarylAnn) on Feb 4, 2011
He looks like I'm feeling today! Fun puzzle!#14: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Feb 4, 2011
thanks all and lol...hope you feel better carol#15: Linda Martin (ilovethispuzzle123) on Feb 4, 2011
excellent! love the action and expression on humpty's face :-)#16: Carol Brand (KarylAnn) on Feb 5, 2011
Thanks Travis, My husband gave me this really bad cold which I can't shake. Unfortunately for my husband it turned into double pneumonia and he's in the hospital.#17: Jota (jota) on Feb 5, 2011
OMG Hope you both feel well soon!#18: Carol Brand (KarylAnn) on Feb 5, 2011
Thanks, Jota!#19: Jota (jota) on Feb 5, 2011
How are you 2?#20: Carol Brand (KarylAnn) on Feb 6, 2011
After, a week I think I've finally turned the corner; fever is down, cough is receding. My husband, however, keeps getting fever spikes at night, highest 104! So he will be spending Superbowl Sunday in the hospital. His doctors still can't pinpoint exactly what he has....just some nasty bug that turned into double pneumonia!#21: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Feb 6, 2011
Carol hope everything goes well for the 2 of you#22: Carol Brand (KarylAnn) on Feb 6, 2011
Thanks a bunch!#23: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Feb 6, 2011
HUGGSSS carol#24: Carol Brand (KarylAnn) on Feb 6, 2011
Thanks, Tom! My husband maybe coming home from the hospital on Tuesday...keep your fingers crossed!#25: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Feb 7, 2011
cxm38wtjbttaz sorry had fingers crossed :D#26: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Feb 7, 2011
Thats cute Tom. I add my best wishes Carol to everyone elses. Keep us informed#27: Carol Brand (KarylAnn) on Feb 9, 2011
Hi Everyone! Just giving you an update. Bad news son has now come down with this same nasty virus! I'm thinking that a 17 year old will fight it off pretty fast, however. At least that's what I'm praying for. Now for the good news...My husband is coming home tomorrow! He has to be on oxygen for a little while so I now have an oxygen machine in our bedroom. Small price to pay for his coming home. Thanks everyone for your concern and best wishes!#28: Jota (jota) on Feb 9, 2011
Good luck on your son and lots of chicken soup for the three of you!#29: Teresa K (fasstar) on Feb 10, 2011
Travis, this is really an awesome puzzle. Great sense of action, very recognizable, and lots of fun to solve.#30: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Feb 10, 2011
Carol, I hope all of you return to good health quickly.
Carol glad you're keeping us informed....happy your husband is home and hopefully your son can fight it off....i agree with jota..chicken soup for everyone#31: Carol Brand (KarylAnn) on Feb 10, 2011
Thanks Teresa! My friend drove 30 minutes today to leave homemade chicken soup at our door! It was delicious and should do the trick. And yes, my son is much better today. I wish I could fight off the germs as quickly!#32: Kadou (Kadou) on Feb 11, 2011
Good looking and fun solving puzzle!#33: Jane Doe (telly) on Feb 16, 2011
Carol, I hope by now everyone is doing much better!#34: Jota (jota) on Feb 17, 2011
Me 2.#35: Carol Brand (KarylAnn) on Feb 17, 2011
Yes, thank you! As a matter of fact, last night was the first night since my husband was home from the hospital that he slept without using the oxygen! As I expected, though, we all still have this nasty cough! I think it will probably last through February.#36: Edith Clark (eclark) on Aug 9, 2011
Back to comment #2--Cute comment Ron. It's been months since anyone wrote (I can tell the main comment writers must do all the new puzzles and I just pick random puzzle) but I hope Carol's family is so recovered they've forgot they were ever sick. :) It is a cute puzzle.#37: Edith Clark (eclark) on Aug 9, 2011
And Rich (I know I am dense) what is the #6800 about? I searched and found no 6800.#38: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Aug 13, 2011
since he has not responded i will tell you eclark#39: Edith Clark (eclark) on Aug 13, 2011
at the time he posted that comment he had solved his "6800th" puzzle on this site
he tends to post his current number of puzzles solved every 100 or so although i havent heard from him for a while (it shows he hasnt been logged on for a month and a half)
Ohhhh. That makes sense. Thanks, bugaboo. I would have never figured it out even though I see that now that you explain.
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