Web Paint-by-Number Forum
Comments on Puzzle #11834: big,blue,edible,and happy! (by Chris)
By Kristen Vognild (kristen)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: moderate lookahead  

Puzzle Description:

I've made The Lord of Tasty! also known as;The Big,magical,blue-Cheeto from Mars! Yes,that is a big-cheeto-bag at top,he has a magical-sword,and a halo(angels have them)! He is happy,that is to smite evil,and bad-taste! Hope you like it!

#1: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Jan 20, 2011

He made it blue, because there isn't an orange, and "red would look funny."
#2: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Jan 20, 2011
these "things" (or whatever they are) continue to get more obscure and more bizarre the more of them i solve

toward the very end when only green is left the only way i found a logical move was this
if the green 3 in column 19 goes in the lower half of the two possible areas (below row 10) then 2 moves later either column 16 or column 17 is invalid depending on whether you make the 3s in column 16/17 go up-down or down-up

any other way gator?
#3: Gator (Gator) on Jan 21, 2011 [HINT]
This is what I did.

I tried placing the 3 clue in column 19 in rows 7-9, but this causes dots in R7C17 and R9C17 making column 17 invalid. So R9C19 is a dot. (This doesn't really help.)

I then looked at what happens if R8C16 is green. This makes it so that I have two 3 clues I have to complete in columns 16 and 17. One has to go up (to row 6) and the other has to go down (to row 10) because of the 1 clues in rows 7 and 9. This means that either R10C16 or R10C17 would be green but NOT both - one of those cells has to be a dot. However, the 2 clue in row 10 says otherwise. So R8C16 has to be a dot.
#4: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Jan 21, 2011
Found to be logically solvable by Gator.

Goto next topic

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