peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty:
solvability: line logic only
Puzzle Description:
Igloo...I thought about publishing an all-white grid and describing it as "igloo in a blizzard," but didn't think it would be appreciated. :)
#1: larrry grizzard (gizzard) on Nov 20, 2010
that would be pretty darned funny#2: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Nov 20, 2010
very nice igloo#3: Sarah Andrews (sarah) on Nov 20, 2010
nice puzzle. yeah some people wouldn't have appreciated the other one#4: Jota (jota) on Nov 20, 2010
I appreciate this one very much! Thanks!#5: Joel Lynn (furface1) on Nov 20, 2010
Thanks for your comments!#6: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Nov 21, 2010
thanks for entry#7: Trish (tryingmysoul) on Nov 21, 2010
at least no one would complain about not enuf white :D
I like this one.#8: BlackCat (BlackCat) on Nov 21, 2010
nice.#9: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Nov 21, 2010 [SPOILER]
I'm sure someone has already done polar bear in blizzard with just a black nose showing. Not that funny nor fun to solve.#10: Joel Lynn (furface1) on Nov 21, 2010 [SPOILER]
I also thought about a baby Harp Seal in a blizzard.#11: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Nov 21, 2010
i was thinking about a heating blankie#12: Byrdie (byrdie) on Nov 21, 2010
Nice puzzle!#13: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Nov 21, 2010 [SPOILER]
Very nice igloo. I was expecting that someone would do a puzzle of an igloo since so many people from other countries think we all live in them!#14: Joel Lynn (furface1) on Nov 22, 2010
Thanks, Susan, like all Native Americans live in tepees!#15: Teresa K (fasstar) on Nov 22, 2010 [SPOILER]
Great puzzle, Joel.#16: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Nov 22, 2010 [SPOILER]
I think the idea of a puzzle of a polar bear in a blizzard is funny, Brian. I'm not sure if that particular one has been done yet, but I know a few similar ones have been done as jokes, including a few by Jan himself.
I wasn't sure if a blank puzzle could be saved, so I just tried it, and it did save even without any pixels marked. Now I feel compelled to make a puzzle (a real one) rather than waste the grid by deleting it. :-)
Teresa I remember one being made by Adam and another one by mercy that had like one or two pixel each ( both in past wcp) but Adam should be able to point out the number of those puzzle if he read this.#17: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Nov 22, 2010 [SPOILER]
Puzzles #4013 and 4446 (just for you, Q) :-)#18: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Nov 22, 2010
i did a polar bear once#19: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Nov 22, 2010
Adam how do you keep trac of all the puzzle do you make a list or print the final image on paper what your technic?#20: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Nov 22, 2010
First of all, I don't keep track of all the puzzles. I have never printed a single puzzle and I have never made a list of them. Even if I had done either of those things, how would I be able to go and find any given puzzle? Do you know long that would take to sort through them one by one? I sure don't, but I wouldn't want to find out!#21: Teresa K (fasstar) on Nov 23, 2010
Okay, Adam, how DO you do it? I'm impressed, and also a little jealous. I would love to have a system where I could identify previous puzzles of certain subjects. You know how badly I've wanted to be able to search the description field here. So please, tell us how you do it. :-)#22: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Nov 23, 2010
I just remember a lot of them. Definitely not all of them, however.#23: Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) on Nov 25, 2010
sorry, Adam, but I dont believe it.#24: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Nov 25, 2010
That's how it is, whether or not you believe it. Oh yeah, and don't say you're sorry when you're not. :-)#25: Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) on Nov 25, 2010
You know how I meant this "sorry", Adam!#26: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Jun 22, 2011
I think you chose well, Joel! Cute igloo, and a fun solve#27: GabrielMyCat (gabrielmycat) on Sep 27, 2011 [SPOILER]
I appreciate the igloo without the blizzard! cool! (pun intended)#28: Ailsa Hebert (bazette3) on Jan 5, 2012
cute!!#29: Joel Lynn (furface1) on Jan 7, 2012
Thanks, Alisa!#30: Beth Baumgartner (valleygirl2) on Oct 1, 2013
Good one, Joel! Thx 4 ur creative!#31: Joel Lynn (furface1) on Oct 1, 2013
Thanks, Beth!#32: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 1, 2013
Cute puzzle and nice perspective.#33: Gary Webster (glwebste) on Feb 11, 2017
We have all wondered how Adam can come up with a list of similar puzzles. So, according to his comments here, it's all from memory. Hmmmmm.
Nice idea about the white puzzle, Joel. I was in a play a few years back about an all-white painting, and the reaction of people to that kind of art and the people who buy it. The show is actually entitled "ART," and it's worth the effort to see, I think.#34: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Feb 11, 2017
I painted the set (as well as the white painting) when my old theatre did it in 1998. :)#35: Jennifer McMahon (kalamalama) on Feb 19, 2017
I would have laughed at an igloo in a blizzard, but I like being able to solve the igloo.
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