peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line logic only
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#1: Billie Patterson (bpat) on Feb 15, 2010
Please! Save us from the newbies!#2: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Feb 15, 2010
There might be some newbies who can actually make good puzzles. If so, where are you???#3: Petra Lassen (Stjarna) on Feb 15, 2010
My problem is this: I have set such a high standard for myself on puzzle creating, that I feel like I have to create a perfect puzzle before publishing it. Plus, I am out of ideas.
Nice solve, by the way.
Yes, I'm still here. Maybe not every day anymore, but several times a week. I usually solve all your puzzles, but not many others.#4: jewel crown (jewel) on Feb 15, 2010
It's Monday today. That leaves me six more days to make one single puzzle. I'll do my best, but I'm not promising anything. Like Adam, I'm out of ideas, and I've always deleted at least 75% of my attemps, as I'm not satisfied.
You are amazing. I don't get how you're able to create that many puzzles. Most of them are really good too.
Keep on puzzling Teresa. Yours are such good quality. Thanks.#5: Sallie Wilbur (sarriemom) on Feb 15, 2010
Awww -- I'm flattered to even be on your list, so I'll see if I can come up with anything halfway decent.#6: Cynthia Lynn McDaniel (mcaardva) on Feb 15, 2010
This was a terrific puzzle!
I thought it was just a conspiracy to get me to do my REAL work! I've even had to resort to solving more dizzy's and patterns and x's than I ever thought I would! Now, if I ever actually retire, I'll try my hand at creating, too. My brain can't handle it right now!#7: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Feb 15, 2010
Teresa, I think you must know by now that you are loved. I don't know how many people I have seen write things like "yours are the only puzzles I solve" or "you are my favorite puzzle creator."#8: ant (agrest272) on Feb 15, 2010
Since you are (basically) the only one doing puzzles worth solving, nowadays, we all love that. We want to solve yours much more than create new ones ourselves. Especially since you never run out of ideas.
true that numba 7#9: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Feb 15, 2010
Maybe we should go on strike and ONLY let Teresa make puzzles. No one else make any for like a week; or a month; or longer. :-)#10: Merili (merilinnuke) on Feb 15, 2010
LOL, I'm wondering why my name is on your list, since I pretty much suck at creating puzzles. But I absolutely LOVE yours!#11: Teresa K (fasstar) on Feb 15, 2010
Hey, Ant. I need to add you to my "guilt trip" list. LOL. You make some clever little puzzles that I just love!#12: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Feb 15, 2010
Petra, I'll be watching for your entry. You too, Sallie.
Adam. People said the same thing about you when you were in creation mode.
What's amazing is that I still manage to get my job done, along with interviewing and training two new staff for my kids' house.
Dang. I should go on strike. Then I won't be such a big hit. Oh - wait! I feel inspired. Here comes another one!
Teresa, I think you left some people off your list. They are probably offended now. LOL#13: Tonia Bergh (tonia) on Feb 15, 2010
Wow! Thanks, Teresa, for including me on your list! That just made my day! :)#14: Teresa K (fasstar) on Feb 15, 2010
I totally agree with Petra and are much loved, and such a prolific quality puzzle creator! My efforts can't compare to yours! I have trouble finding inspiration; and when I'm in school, I don't have much time to create. But I do come to webpbn for stress-relief!
I definitely get your point though - it IS selfish of us to rely on you to supply us with puzzles all the need to have the enjoyment of solving good puzzles too! We must keep you happy!!! :)
Yes, Tonia, you understand. I hope to find some nice treats in the puzzle box this week. :-)#15: Gator (Gator) on Feb 15, 2010
Yes, Adam, I'm sure I have left out some good creators. But I hope they are not offended. (My memory is awful.) I didn't mention the ones who have not been on for a while, but I will say that my list would include anyone who has produced puzzles with a 3.5 or greater quality rating. If that's you, then WE WANT YOUR PUZZLES!!! Sorry for yelling, I just want to make sure you heard me. :-)
Ah, now I'm going to have to create one. While you are at it, you could add Jan to the list. :)#16: Teresa K (fasstar) on Feb 15, 2010
Definitely, Jan is one of the best! Gator, I really want one of yours. Or two. Or three.#17: Jota (jota) on Feb 15, 2010
Now I understand the tissues I solved earlier LOL! Thanks for the P.R. Teresa!#18: Teresa K (fasstar) on Feb 16, 2010
And I thought they had entered the WCP because I'd asked.
:-D I like your puzzles too - they are always cleverly done.#19: Jane Doe (telly) on Feb 16, 2010
I too am flattered to be on the list. and ditto everything above!...I'll see what I can do...hmmm...brain freeze#20: Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) on Feb 18, 2010
Go, Teresa, go!#21: Teresa K (fasstar) on Feb 18, 2010
And I be thankful by creating some puzzles for you.
By the way: You have to buy a greater monitor, because some of my puzzles are too big for your old one.
Okay, Conzick, I'll be waiting for your creations. I'm working on Detective Friend No.3 right now, and it is a good size. :-)#22: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on May 23, 2010
I come to this one late, having found it via "random". I guess I was busy creating puzzles that week. I find 10 puzzles I created in the following 7 days, including my second highest rated one.#23: Teresa K (fasstar) on May 24, 2010
Apparently, I did it all for you! Thank you, Teresa! ;)
The message must have reached you via ESP. :-D#24: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Aug 6, 2010
i agree with all of you#25: Susan (Susan) on Jun 11, 2017
i am grateful for all the people who make fun/great puzzles
A heartfelt thank you to everyone here who makes puzzles, and even to those who only solve and contribute comments and ratings. This is such a sweetly supportive community. I have come here later than most of you but really enjoy solving these. Like Cynthia, my mind isn't up to making any myself right now, but I think about it for sometime in the future. I can see how a person might burn out of ideas after awhile, but anything could be a subject. How about a series of mammals, or leaves from different types of trees, or famous buildings, pop singers or fashion items. Pets, or undersea scenes, or illustrations of things on your personal bucket list, or camping gear, or childhood memories or motorcycles. Products sold on Amazon would be an endless list, what did any of you buy lately. Favorite foods, or what you do on vacation. There are many things to make pictures of. Maybe these ideas don't work well for puzzles, or maybe you've done a lot of them already and I just didn't get to them yet. But that list might suggest other ideas to some of you. Plus, if people are tired of doing so many, that also means newcomers are really needed here. I just sent the link to two friends who do other kinds of puzzles, suggesting they try this. Maybe we could each do the same so the "work" could be spread around more. Again, thank you all for being here. This is a really nice place.#26: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jun 13, 2017
There are wonderfully talented folks who create awesome puzzles, and there are fantastically friendly folks who post welcome comments like yours. I'm grateful for the creators AND the commenters. Glad you are here, Susan, to encourage us to make puzzles.#27: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Jun 13, 2017
There are oodles of puzzles waiting to be solved that were made many years ago. I myself am still going through lots of them.
I've been re-solving earlier puzzles, that were lost from my list when the server went down. I suspect I may have just marked them as solved, previously. They've been fun to revisit, and make me miss the old crowd of puzzle creators.#28: Andrew Schultz (blurglecruncheon) on Jun 6, 2022
Lots of names here who have long since left, but I've still enjoyed their work.#29: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Feb 15, 2023
And I enjoyed this solve and image a lot, too!
Same boat as you Andrew. I remember quite a few of these creators from when I first started here. I solved for a little while before making my first puzzle less than 2 months after Teresa made this one. Fun to see all of the familiar faces in a thread together!
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