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Comments on Puzzle #3892: To the death!
By Adam Nielson (monkeyboy)

peek at solution       solve puzzle
  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: line logic only  

Puzzle Description:

The Mortal Kombat logo (at Sylvain's request)

#1: Johanna smith (micki) on Oct 28, 2008

Ah! You are back! Nice...
#2: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Oct 28, 2008 [SPOILER]
man this us so nice it hurt

I try to come up with this dragon so many time without any real succes ( mine were to little I think )

very good thank you my friend
#3: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Oct 28, 2008
Thanks, guys. It's fun to be "back." :-)
#4: Jane Doe (telly) on Oct 28, 2008
Very nice and not too hard! So glad you're creating again!!! Please do more!
#5: Minnie Fuerstnau (m.fuerstnau) on Oct 29, 2008 [SPOILER]
Didn't know it was a logo; I thought it was another monster for Halloween! Thank you.
#6: Jen Ladano (jladano) on Oct 29, 2008
I was thinking that it was Trogdor the burninator, from Strongbad. And now that song is in my head.

Very VERY cool. Thank you.
#7: Beth (Shasta) on Oct 29, 2008
I thought it was Saphira. Glad to have you back!
#8: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Oct 29, 2008
Thanks so much, all.
#9: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Oct 29, 2008 [SPOILER]
I liked this dragon. I don't do too many bigger puzzles because I hate to get halfway through, know what the pic is and be bored. I knew this was a dragon but it still was reasonably fun to solve.

Thanks Adam.
#10: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Oct 29, 2008
Thanks... I really appreciate that compliment.
#11: Jota (Jota) on Nov 13, 2008 [SPOILER]
I don't know what Mortal Kombat is, but this dragon is fantastic. Love it!
#12: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Nov 13, 2008 [SPOILER]
It's an arcade game, where you get to select a fighter that you want to be, and you go through round-by-round fighting different people "to the death." I guess it is also on some type of Nintendo game system or something.
#13: Jota (Jota) on Nov 14, 2008
Not my cup of tea (arcade games) thanks for the explanation.
#14: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Nov 14, 2008 [SPOILER]
No problem. Sylvain asked me to do this image, so I did. think I played MK a couple of times many years ago.
#15: Timothy (relic10) on Nov 15, 2008 [SPOILER]
As I was wrapping this one up, my 5 year old daughter came downstairs, took one look and said "It's the thing from Mortal Kombat". Awesome picture.
#16: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Nov 15, 2008
Thank you so much. I think it's funny that your 5 year old daughter knew that.
#17: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Nov 15, 2008 [SPOILER]
even funnier when you consider it to be an M rated game so its for 18 and +
#18: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Nov 15, 2008
Exactly. That's what I meant.
#19: Timothy (relic10) on Nov 15, 2008 [SPOILER]
My son has it for the Xbox, so she's familiar with the logo. FYI, it wasn't always an M rated game. It has been around since the 1990s, before there was a rating system for video games. Back then, the violence was so mild it wouldn't have had an M rating, even if they did rate games back then. There are also movies and cartoons of MK in existence, none of which were given an R rating.
#20: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Nov 15, 2008 [SPOILER]
from the start MK was hyper violent and make a name from themself for being that

Back in 1991 MK1 sub-zéro decapited the head ( with the spinal cord attach) Kano rip a beating heart out "temple of doom" style etc etc

MK was always for late teen / adult but every kid ( myself included at thye time) play it anyway

But it was still a very violent game all the way back to MK1

in fact the only MK not to have the M rating ( and not an R ) is the new cross-over game MK VS DCU that coming out this month on PS3 and X-box360 and its still border line teen when you see the finish and special move
#21: Timothy (relic10) on Nov 15, 2008 [SPOILER]
Not to nitpick and correct me if I'm wrong, but the first MK came out around 1991, like you said, but the ESRB (the board that rates video games) wasn't established until the mid-90's. So the first two or so MK's wouldn't have been rated at all. While I remember the so called "graphic violence" from the earlier MK's, the graphics quality was so bad that even the violence you mentioned was so poorly depicted it was hard to describe it as graphic. And unless you entered a special combination of commands at exactly the right time, you would never get those "fatalities". Also, the "PG not R" rating I was referring to was for the movies (cartoon and human-actor) of MK that have come out over the years.
#22: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Nov 15, 2008
You can debate Sylvain all you want on the details of the ratings. My point was that why is a 5 year old girl exposed to extreme violent and bloody graphic death?
#23: Timothy (relic10) on Nov 16, 2008 [SPOILER]
Who said she was? The point of my original post was to show that even a young child upon seeing the image when it was not even completed knew exactly what it was. She didn't say "it's a dragon", or "it's a monster", but knew EXACTLY what you had made. It was a testament to the high quality of the puzzle image you had made. Perhaps I shouldn't have been so quick to compliment you. You know Monkeyboy, you have a way of running your mouth and $@^%$ing people off on this site; I was giving you a compliment and you stick your nose where it's none of your business. But to answer your question, my son has collected MK stuff over the years, video games and otherwise. As I mentioned earlier, and tried to hit on in my previous posts, he has MK cartoons, action figures, etc., none of which portay "bloody graphic death", but all of which bear the MK logo. I said she recognized the logo; you inferred the rest and in typical Monkeyboy fashion decided to take it from there.
#24: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Nov 16, 2008
LOL Timmy, and just like many others, you get offended way too easily. I asked an innocent question, and you could have responded with only these parts of your tirade (quoting you exactly):

"The point of my original post was to show that even a young child upon seeing the image when it was not even completed knew exactly what it was. She didn't say "it's a dragon", or "it's a monster", but knew EXACTLY what you had made. It was a testament to the high quality of the puzzle image you had made."

And also...

"To answer your question, my son has collected MK stuff over the years, video games and otherwise. As I mentioned earlier, and tried to hit on in my previous posts, he has MK cartoons, action figures, etc., none of which portay "bloody graphic death", but all of which bear the MK logo. I said she recognized the logo."

Why go any further?

If you choose to expose your innocent children to that type of "entertainment" (whether it is your daughter or your son) that's fine. That is your choice, and unfortunately your right as a parent. I am sorry for asking an innocent question that got completely blown out of proportion.
#25: Timothy (relic10) on Nov 16, 2008
"why go any further?" is a question we could have asked of you so many times. Yet that is what you always seem to do. Without even knowing you it is so obvious that you are a puny little man who is only brave enough to run his mouth from behind the safety of his computer. And to think this whole exchange started because I chose to compliment your work. Your "innocent question" was obviously not that at all, but an example of typical monkeyboy sarcasm. Add me to the list of people on this site that you have managed to alienate. If your track record is such as it is on this site where no one even knows you in person, I can only imagine your popularity in the real world.
#26: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Nov 16, 2008
And yet once again, ignorant people like you go attacking me personally, hiding behind your computer as well. I didn't attack you at all, yet that is exactly what you did to me, just because I asked an innocent question.

I never asked you to comment on my puzzle anyway. Never speak to me again.
#27: Timothy (relic10) on Nov 17, 2008
You know monkeyboy, I have been coming to this site for several years and it used to be a very nice place to go after work. Most of the people here are friendly and only speak up to compliment a puzzle. You, however, are the exception. Until this exchange I have only spoken up to make a compliment (and as a matter of fact that is how I started this exchange). You really bring out the worst in people, and so I am ashamed to admit that I can no longer make that claim. If you look at virtually every negative comment or angry exchange on this site, it somehow comes back to you. I am so sick of clicking on the comments section of any given puzzle and seeing something typical from you. And now it's personal. You asked me "why go any further?" regarding my previous post, but did you ever ask yourself that same question? Why, when I complimented your puzzle, could you not say thank you, or not say anything at all for that matter, and leave it at that, like most people would? My children are none of your business. Yes, my daughter knows what the Mortal Kombat logo looks like; if that makes me a bad father in your opinion, I really couldn't care less. It is another example of your need to attack and criticize. Every puzzle created and every comment made is a personal invitation to you to make some snide comment or personal attack. "Choose to expose your innocent children to the filth and horrors"...You little maggot, if you don't think that's a personal attack, then you are a bigger fool than I had thought. I am done with this site. While I give Jan great credit for not censoring, the down side is that we are required to tolerate the likes of you. And because you spend so much time creating and solving puzzles (I would imagine because you're alone in this world and have nothing better to do), your presence is evident constantly. While I've always enjoyed coming to this site, your ever-present negativity makes it no longer worth it. And by the way, I am not hiding behind my computer; unlike you, that is not my style, believe me. If you ever wish to come out from behind your keyboard, you little coward, and want to say some of your big words to someone's face, I welcome it. I don't know where you live geographically, but if you ever want the opportunity, get my email address from Jan. You can then contact me, and if you are relatively close, I'll give you the chance to prove my theory wrong that you will only say what you say from the safety of your computer. Jan, if he asks, give him my email address. I hope to hear from you soon, monkeyboy, but I'm not holding my breath, if I judge you correctly. By the way, don't bother responding to this post if you want to reach me, because I don't intend to log in again. I hate to give you even that minor victory, but if it means not being exposed to your constant contempt and maliciousness, then it's worth it.
#28: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Nov 17, 2008
Tiny Tim... just in case you DO read this, I will write just these few lines. I only attacked you personally AFTER you did so first. I never denied that. As for you leaving this site... LOL. Thank you so much! I didn't even know you existed before your little essays a few days ago. I won't miss you at all. Say "hi" to Bob for me. :-)
#29: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Nov 19, 2008 [SPOILER]
ok I'm gone 4 days and all hell broke loose once again

come BOYS 'Finish it' ( it was pun intended)

#30: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Nov 19, 2008
Love it!
I love how the victim just dangles in the air, waiting for his opponent to "finish him." LOL

This is over, Sylvain. Nothing to worry about.
#31: Jan Wolter (jan) on Dec 8, 2008
Yup, it's over. Relic10 left this site and has not been back, though I tried to talk him into returning. Glad someone's loving it.

Nice puzzle though.
#32: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Dec 8, 2008
Jan, my "Love it!" comment in #30 was directed at and only at Sylvain's "Finish it" comment in #29 (a MK term).

Thanks for the comment.
#33: Diana W (aeris) on Apr 25, 2010 [SPOILER]
Wow... lots of drama! I usually read all the comments for the puzzles I solve, but I think this is the first time I've seen it turn into a full out, name-calling war. O.o All because of miscommunication. *Sigh*

Anyways, nice puzzle. I thought it was going to be a seahorse for a long time, because of the way the neck's shaped. I've never played MK, so I'm a little lost with the references, but I'm sure it's a very good representation of the logo. Tricky too, I put it in my saved folder for a while (and then, truth be told, forgot about it, like I do most of the puzzles I'm interrupted in the middle of). I like the tongue, in particular.
#34: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Feb 13, 2011
what a great image
#35: Marsha Rolle (marsharolle) on Dec 23, 2011
I think the dragon is wonderful and thank you for all your time in creating the puzzle
#36: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Dec 24, 2011
Thank you all.
#37: Luis Cavazos (luishifto) on Oct 3, 2012
Very nice image and enjoyable to solve, congratulations!
#38: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Oct 3, 2012

Goto next topic

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