peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Sep 15, 2017
First tip: use more white. All but the very center rows and columns have the same number of clues as spaces (for example, the numbers in row 3 add up to 20), so there's almost no logic involved.#2: Angela Claire Hanes (hanesangie) on Sep 15, 2017
Second tip: a clever title can make people forgive a boring puzzle. That "aha!" moment at the end, when you realize what the picture is supposed to be, releases dopamine in the brain and makes the solver happy. :)
A title of "Clarice", with a description of "It puts the lotion on its skin" turns this pattern into a deep well, for instance. It also looks a bit like a volleyball suspended in the air, so a title like "Set!" followed by the description "A volleyball, suspended in space" evokes a story, even if it's a lame one. :)
I liked it.#3: Al LaPointe (kancamagus) on Sep 15, 2017
more white, break up symmetry#4: Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) on Sep 15, 2017
Kristen said it very well. It's a pretty pattern, but it was not an exciting solve. My advice is to click on the "Find puzzles" button on the main menu on the left side <<< and then click on the tab "best puzzles". Select some at levels you are comfortable solving and as you finish them up, think about whether you enjoyed solving them or not. For the ones you liked, think about what you liked about them. What got you adrenaline pumping, or what was exciting about the solve, or was the final image really impressive/ impactful in some way? Strive to mimic those aspects in your own puzzles with your own original ideas, and go from there to see if you get good feedback. I wish you success, my fellow puzzler!#5: Teresa K (fasstar) on Sep 15, 2017
Hey, Theodore. There is a Forum Topic that you might like to read: Topic #6: What do you like in a puzzle?#6: Velma Warren (Shiro) on Aug 28, 2018
Click on the Forum tab and click on "Show All Topics" and you will find it easily. Good suggestions there.
The 20x20 size is good for patterns. But I hope you will try an image of something interesting. We like to discover something recognizable. Good luck!
Pretty design. Too upgrade, add variety of shapes. It is fun to use simple images as a beginning.
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