peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Ruby Hammer (rubyqhammer) on Oct 11, 2012 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#2: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Oct 11, 2012
okay Ruby, I guess that its called a "disorder" ... here is the link ... perhaps its serious to those who are victims of those people...#3: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 11, 2012
Sadly, OCD can be extremely debilitating.#4: Susan Spellman (sspell) on Oct 11, 2012
I think it looks like Pippi Longstocking!#5: Tom King (sgusa) on Oct 11, 2012
Tom, are you obsessed with obsession?#6: Ruby Hammer (rubyqhammer) on Oct 11, 2012
True it can be debilitating. But, it certainly doesn't have to be. I have mild OCD as well as some of my kids. Most people would never know just by observing us. We learn to avoid "triggers".#7: Ellen Vollor (evollor) on Oct 11, 2012 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#8: Jay Hughes (bfavrehof74) on Oct 11, 2012 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#9: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Oct 11, 2012
thanks for understanding my point Norma#10: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Oct 11, 2012
tom ...i'm suffering under a ocd person's attacks, and i'm hope you never have too
(((((Ellen))))))))) and your welcome#11: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 11, 2012
Ellen, my heart and my admiration go out to you ten fold. And, Tom, unfortunately, living with someone who has a disorder can be just as hard as having the disorder. I live with a bi-polar who finally reached out for help and is doing much better.#12: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Oct 11, 2012
happy 4 ya Norma ...really#13: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Oct 11, 2012 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#14: Tom King (sgusa) on Oct 11, 2012 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#15: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Oct 12, 2012 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#16: Kadou (Kadou) on Oct 12, 2012
Tom, please tell us more...#17: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Oct 12, 2012
I fully understand Tom,i live with 3 people who have ocd in various stages of severity,and it can be very hard. It's something that you have to learn how to deal with,but when it's your loved ones that suffer from it,you find a way to still enjoy life. There must be a way to stop this harassment Tom.:)#18: Jota (jota) on Oct 12, 2012
I loved the solve! Thanks Sensei!#19: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Oct 12, 2012
I'm sorry for your pain also Aldege :(#20: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Oct 12, 2012
thx Jota
Tom, after reading your comment # 9, at first I thought you were referring to Kadou harassing you (about the copied puzzles).#21: Jota (jota) on Oct 12, 2012
Adam there's no comment # 90 yet so don't get ahead. Besides how do you go from not caring to caring in only 1 day? Are you also Kadou? Where's Bugaboo?#22: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Oct 12, 2012
Without further ado :)
Adam... you have now ignored my answers to your questions. So I will, henceforth, ignore any futher questions from you and your silly attempts to downgrade me to help out your friend Kadou.#23: Kadou (Kadou) on Oct 12, 2012 your poetry
One thing for sure, i will continue to create puzzles about mental illnesses that the filters of the internet don't discover and allows them to torment us honorable citizens.
Whoa! Can this be a little more confusing?#24: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Oct 12, 2012
Ditto Kadou :-)#25: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on Oct 12, 2012
Tom, my comment # 20 was merely a comment that I never posted initially, but I had thought about. It had nothing to do with your reply in comment # 15. So anyway, for what it's worth, I have NOT ignored your answers. But feel free to ignore me. That won't change the fact that you still don't post puzzle descriptions. :-)
Oh, by the way, I don't know Kadou more than I know any of you. I only support him in his fight for justice, trying to ensure that copyrights are not violated.
Tom, there's a difference between having OCD and being unwilling to drop an unresolved issue. Kadou notices puzzles that have been made by other people and reports them. You weren't the first, and you haven't been the last. The difference is that you denied any wrongdoing, despite a mountain of evidence, and you took it a step further in threatening Kadou with legal action for libel.#26: Jota (jota) on Oct 12, 2012
Then you began a passive-aggressive tirade against Kadou. You dragged me into your "poor me" show of innocence against a mean old bully, because I'm an artist and copyright issues affect me personally and so I spoke out in Kadou's favor.
It hurt me greatly when you published a puzzle for me, that also turned out to be created by someone else. Small wonder I don't trust the gesture you made with the rose puzzle, which is in a style that is different from your usual puzzles. You've betrayed my trust. While I've made the choice to continue commenting on your puzzles, as well as replying to comments you make about my comments, that doesn't mean I trust you. You've made me doubt every new puzzle that you make. I don't think that will change.
Kristen haven't you read the copyright forum?#27: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on Oct 12, 2012
#44: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jul 13, 2012
I want to appologize to Jan and the whole family of phb'ers for my mistaken and wrongful activities in the last few months.
3 months later and some are still obsessing?
I did read the forum. The denials and personal attacks continued after the apology.#28: Tom King (sgusa) on Oct 12, 2012
WOW! I am naive. I just solve and write puzzles. This can disintegrate a vibrant community in a hurry. I feel like a parrent asking, "Is there anyway we can stop this nonsense now," or more directly, "KNOCK IT OFF!!!" This is a games site. I guess everyone has turf to protect, so I don't want to minmalize it, but c'mon, folks. Is anyone here writing puzzles for their livelihood?#29: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Oct 13, 2012
I think all parties should have a serious timeout. Go to your corners (and I might have a chance to win the next WCP with serious rewards).
Frankly, I would be honored if someone copied my puzzles. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery ;)
I don't understand how little bothers (in my view insignificant, in others enormous), can effect a free site with nothing but pride on the line. To me, the more puzzles to solve (especially 20x B&W), the better. I don't care if I solved them before as long as I don;t realize it...
I agree with you Sgusa,let's just have fun gang,although i would sure love to win one of Sgusa's ANA's. One of these days,i will.:)#30: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Oct 13, 2012
As I've already stated...I'm being cyberly stalked and have received e-mails detailing what activities that i performed, on OTHER sites, even under a different ID for me. Thats is weird and if this happened to any of you I'm sure you would have much concern. This person has also tried to hack into my account to retrieved my password, which i received notification from the web master. Y'all be the judge. In the meantime I would love to just have some fun in here, Tom & Aldege.#31: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 13, 2012
Well said, sgusa. I did not realize until a few weeks ago everything that the Forum encompassed. So when checking out new comments on puzzles I also randomly pick out some of the earlier topics. After a similar one of these "discussions" broke out, Jan very wisely suggested that perhaps the Chat room would be a better place to air one's feelings.#32: Jota (jota) on Oct 13, 2012
@ 27 Can you show me Kristen, I missed that.#33: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Oct 14, 2012
@ 28 on That's what I have been saying for 3 months, but a couple of people here just won't GIVE PEACE A CHANCE.
Re #28 and #32: This would have ended months ago if Tom had admitted to his mistakes from the start, and just given credit for the puzzles that weren't his. Instead of confessing on his own, he tried to turn it around on Kadou and accuse him of insanity and harrassment.#34: Jota (jota) on Oct 14, 2012
After a week or two of Tom's denials and threats, including anyone who stood up for Kadou, Jan ordered Tom to delete the offending puzzles and issue an apology. Small wonder those of us who were personally attacked for taking the side of justice and fairness didn't believe the apology.
Ask yourself why Teresa is no longer a judge in the WCP.
I HAD decided to drop the matter months ago, but felt compelled to wade back into the fray on a few occasions, usually when someone was being unfairly attacked for having a conscience. Like Adam, in comment #22.
I don't take well to being bullied into silence.
I will once again drop the matter, in the hopes that things will calm down.
Where are the denials and threats after the apology? Where does it say that Jan interfered to ask Tom anything? I continue to miss something.#35: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on Oct 14, 2012
Not all correspondence appears on the site.#36: Jota (jota) on Oct 14, 2012
So to be clear as web pbn'rs, this was over more than 3 months ago.#37: Kadou (Kadou) on Oct 14, 2012
Anything outside of here belongs out there.
Let's have fun then!
Like Adam, I also thought you were referring to me.#38: Jota (jota) on Oct 15, 2012
You clearly have problems, but it's not clear what they are.
Since my name was thrown in and the topic of your plagiarism came up, I think I should reply.
You want everything back to normal, but it's not that easy. You have lost our trust when, for 5 months, you made us believe that the puzzles you published were your creations.
You lacked judgement when you submitted your first copy. Your decision to continue to submit hundreds more was even worse than that. Your reaction when I called you out was to play the victim, deny everything, attack me, and submit more duplicated puzzles. You probably would have kept plagiarising had I not caught you.
We are entitled to question your decision taking skills. I am not alone to disapprove your position as WC judge. We lost a qualified judge following your "amusing escapade" which was only enjoyable for you. You had your fun, let us have ours. For the sake of the WC, please step down as judge.
There are consequences to your actions. It's not one sentence that will bring you forgiveness. Give it time and slowly build that trust again. Don't reply to attacks when there are none.
Also, please remove the remaining puzzles you "borrowed" elsewhere.
OMG You guys will not GIVE PEACE A CHANCE!#39: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Oct 17, 2012
L E T I T G O !!!
Jota I tried but now .... KADOU has gone to another site and told them i stole puzzles from here...from an author called sensei69 .... geeeeesch ...i will send you the proof of this again visicous attack from this sick person & will also send to Jan our web master this same e-mail from that web site...damn#40: Jota (jota) on Oct 17, 2012
What's wrong with you KADOU ???#41: Kadou (Kadou) on Oct 20, 2012
You have no right to continue this persecution, stop your obsession, I have seen the proof of what you are doing and I find it completely wrong.
Leave us alone trying to have fun, go do something productive with your life.
When I chatted with you in private, I thought you had understood, but you certainly didn't.
Are you going to keep it to yourself, or can we see what you mean?#42: Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) on Oct 28, 2012
We need Jan as an Umpire.#43: Jota (jota) on Oct 28, 2012
@Jota: Giving peace is chance sounds great. but before peace the opponents must come to a conclusion. Sometimes it hurts, but the order: PEACE! doesn't solve
@Tom: I read your apology. What I really don't like is that you try to convince us being a victim in this case. Sorry, Tom, you aren't! You copying puzzles from elsewhere have caused this situation.
Kai: Jan has spoken and that's why I'm in favor of peace.#44: Teresa K (fasstar) on Oct 29, 2012
Kai, thank you for speaking up about peace. I was hoping someone would say something about that.#45: Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) on Oct 29, 2012
Since this is an international community, I'd like to share an excerpt from a message shared on the most recent United Nations International Day of Peace: "Let each one of us become a peace messenger and a peace soldier. Peace soldiers are dynamic with a will to stop any wrong. They expose the wrong deeds and wrong-doers in society, and stand up in protest. Peace does not mean inaction. We want a revolution but we want a peace revolution. Mahatma Gandhi advocated peace, but he did not sit back and allow injustice to happen. His actions were born out of peace."
When Tom was first caught plagiarizing puzzles, he denied it and attacked Kadou. He has also attacked me and Kristen for speaking up and telling the truth. Tom has continued to be disrespectful and dishonest. He has distorted the truth and has made blatant lies, at the expense of others. I cannot tolerate it anymore.
When the extent of his plagiarism became obvious, Tom was asked to apologize. He resigned as a judge (via private email). Before I had a chance to thank Tom for doing the right thing, he sent a terse email stating that he had decided to reverse his resignation, that what he had done was not so bad, and that he was going to continue as judge, and that us "ladies would just have to deal with it."
I was adamant about not accepting Tom back as a judge. I don't have anything against Tom personally, I think he can be a nice, fun guy sometimes. But even if it were my best friend who had done this, I still would not allow them to continue as a judge just on principle.
Jota consulted Sylvain (who had been absent for quite some time and had given leadership of the WCP to Jota). I consulted Jan. Yes, he did say that he would very much like to see harmony in the webpbn community. But that's not all he said. He was surprised to learn that Sylvain had stepped down as leader of the WCP. Jan said that if a new leader was to be appointed, his first choice was for me to do it. He also admonished Tom for being at fault for all the acrimony he caused. Sylvain said he was keeping an eye on things, so Jan said he would leave things up to him. Both Sylvain and Jota wanted to keep Tom as a judge. I protested again. I was shut down. I reluctantly resigned. Jan said he was sorry that the state of webpbn affairs had descended to that point. Jan said a new judge needed to be chosen. Sylvain told Jota to announce the opening and choose a new judge. I think Jan would be surprised to discover that 10 weeks later a new judge has not been appointed, and that Sylvain has not logged on for the past 5 weeks.
Jan's final words in his last message to the judges were: "I have immense respect for Teresa and I feel she has acted with perfect honor through every step of this process, and I'm not pleased that she ended up feeling sad and heart broken. The ripples from Tom's actions have cost us all some pain, but if people are willing to give him another chance, then all I can say is that I hope he puts it to good use."
I know it's just a game site, and it's only puzzles we are judging. But if we do not have integrity in our personal lives, how can we have it in the greater community and the world? If we do not stand up and say "no" to the small injustices, how can we stand up for the things that really matter in life?
"A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble." - Mahatma Gandhi.
These were long expected words from you, Teresa. And I want to thank you!#46: Jota (jota) on Oct 29, 2012
Teresa I don't agree with your recount, but memories are what they are.#47: Teresa K (fasstar) on Oct 29, 2012 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#48: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 29, 2012
Teresa, you have my heartfelt sympathy. Though I have a bipolar, she is not as extreme as your daughter, so I can only say I have a partial understanding of what you are going through. And like your daughter she can light up a room with her smile and good humor and then moments later it can turn. But please keep smiling. It helps.#49: Jota (jota) on Oct 29, 2012
I won't continue with this Teresa, you can go on if you want I won't.#50: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Oct 29, 2012
Take care of your daughter, that's what's important.
Hope things will get better soon at your end.
God bless your daughter Teresa & you#51: Teresa K (fasstar) on Oct 29, 2012
Thank you for your kind words, Norma, Jota, and Tom.#52: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 29, 2012
Here's my Sweet Karie:
Thank you for sharing. Very moving. I loved the first date video. So very sweet.#53: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Oct 29, 2012
Well said, Teresa.#54: Tom King (sgusa) on Oct 29, 2012
By the way, you can add me to the 3rd paragraph on # 44 as well.
I Hope your daughter is now well, Teresa. My daughter has a form of autism, PDD-NOS. She is functioning at a very high level, realized a gain from 6th grade reading through 12.5 grade in 2 years at a specialized school. She is currently a sophomore reading and comprehending senior books. What a miracle that school was.#55: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 29, 2012
Truly a miracle, sgusa.#56: Tom King (sgusa) on Oct 29, 2012
Norma: Thanks to New Leaf Academy and their staff. It almost shut down. She was being picked on in public middle school, totally shut down, and now is a confident young woman and a leader at her new school. The teachers ALL say she will be a college graduate. The money will run out, but we'll make it happen. 18 years of boarding school (middle school for daughter, 4 year high school and private college each) between two kids does that to you.#57: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 29, 2012
I'm sure you are already investigating, but there must be funding available for college in the form of grants, etc. I know you will be so proud when she graduates from high school. I checked the web site and will pray it stays open.#58: Tom King (sgusa) on Oct 30, 2012
The former owner recognizes the value, and bought it. It truly is a treasure, and now I need to thank Grace's therapist who molded her. Haven't done that since she graduated and have felt guilty about it.#59: Jan Wolter (jan) on Oct 30, 2012
I have difficulty acting as a judge here, because I'm not really on all that much, and mostly have only second-hand reports of what is going on. Teresa's account above is accurate as far as I know.#60: besmirched tea (Besmirched Tea) on Nov 11, 2018
I have had some communication with Tom about this. It appears that Kadou has been very active in finding puzzles that have been copied between various PBN sites. I don't have any reason to believe that he has been specifically focusing on Tom. The bulk of the puzzles that he reported to me were not by Tom. When he found out that a large number of puzzles that Tom had posted here were copies of puzzles on other site, he did NOT report them to me. He apparently told Tom that he noticed this, and Tom removed the puzzles. I only heard about it second hand much later. This does not look to me like someone who is specifically trying to make trouble for Tom, but from Tom's perspective it apparently looks that way.
I understand there was an incident on where Tom's account was temporarily blocked because someone had made multiple attempts to log in with the wrong password. This usually happens innocently when some other user misremembers or mistypes their login name. But Tom seems to think it was Kadou trying to break into his account. I see no reason to believe that.
Tom did forward me an email from the staff where Kadou had pointed out to them that a couple puzzles on griddlers were copies of puzzles Tom had posted here. He reported, accurately, that Tom had said here that he had no griddlers account. Kadou seems to have drawn the conclusion that Tom's puzzles had been stolen by some other person and copied to griddlers. The griddlers people deleted the puzzles. From what they said in the email, it sounded to me like they have a stricter rule against copying than I do - they didn't want any puzzle that had appeared anywhere else. It sounded like they didn't have an exception for people posting their own puzzles to multiple sites, which is fine with me. So Kadou did end up getting a couple of Tom's puzzles deleted from griddlers, but I have no reason to believe that Kadou wasn't actually trying to protect Tom from having his puzzles copied. It sounds like Tom told Kadou that he didn't have a griddlers account because he thought Kadou was stalking him, and then when this misinformation confused Kadou, he took it as more evidence that Kadou was stalking him.
I know next to nothing about Kadou, but I haven't seen an iota of evidence that he is doing anything mean-spirited or wrong. I'm baffled and awed by his ability to find duplicates between the tens of thousands of puzzles here and on griddlers, and I'm gratified that he reports some of them to me. I don't really want to find webpbn filling up with plagiarized material.
I think this thing between Kadou and Tom is 90% misunderstanding. Tom's posting of all those copied puzzles was weird, but he took them down and I'm content with that. It seems to have gotten him rather paranoid about Kadou though. So he misinterpreted Kadou's repeated questions about griddlers accounts, and answered them inaccurately (which he has a perfect right to do - he has no obligation to tell anyone about any of his activities) and Kadou took that answer literally and acted on it, causing Tom exactly the kind of trouble that he was hoping to avoid. I don't think that was anybody's fault.
Looks like raggedy ann, or the wendy's girl before she does her hair#61: Judy Baumann (JudyBee) on Dec 4, 2018 [SPOILER]
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