peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: trivial
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#1: Teresa K (fasstar) on Dec 30, 2011
Catelyn, I don't hate you, but if you think your puzzle is going to cause frustration, then why would you even want to publish it? Your first puzzle was similar, and several people gave you good suggestions that you obviously didn't follow.#2: Lollipop (lollipop) on Dec 30, 2011
Oh well.
Please read the Create Puzzles link on the left to discover what does and doesn't make for a fun solve and an interesting outcome. And solve some of fasstar's or marz's puzzles to see what we're looking for. Even an easy one to solve can produce an enjoyable image. Try wordplay in your description - the IDK you wrote tells us that you found it just as pointless to create it as we did to solve it. Take a look at LJohns315's puzzles and note the growth from her earlier puzzles to the recent ones, and aim for that.#3: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Dec 31, 2011
Well said Teresa and Lollipop,and speaking of Lilly,where the heck is she? I miss her puzzles,she has turned out to be a very creative,and talented artist. Please come back Lilly.:)#4: ik (ik) on Jan 1, 2012
well i liked it it was simple cause of the pattern and even if some puzzle's are to easy to solve the creator must have fun making them, and it is your own choice if you want to solve a puzzle or not!
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