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Comments on Puzzle #16944: Rhodyboy Mystery Alibi!
By Aldege Cholette (Aldege)

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Puzzle Description:

Listen here uncle Brian,you don't believe my dad was working on his car? Well ok,it's not actually his car,it's mine,and ok it's not actually a car,it's my walker which is like a car to me. Here's photo evidence. That's my daddy at the right,you can only see his glasses and beard,and leg with his favourite Habs red slippers on,and that's definitely his finger on the trigger of his cordless drill. And it's my mommy Niki that took this picture,you can tell cause she can't centre an image worth crap. So she didn't do it,she has an alibi also,hmmmmph. So i wonder who really did poison him?,or is this just a hoax by Rhodyboy to garner some attention. Wait did i just say garner?,i'm too young to know a word like that aren't I. Daddy i'm growing up too fast,Whanh.

#1: Nancy (nbarsi) on Dec 30, 2011 [SPOILER]

Really funny Aldege!! But all you detectives out there might realize that poisoning can be done at any time knowing that the victim would be the only one to ingest the tainted food, drink or antacid....ergo alibis are really tenuous.
#2: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Dec 30, 2011 [SPOILER]
thx Nancy,what your saying is true,however the fact that your mentioning this makes me suspicious. Now even though an alibi is worthless,let me ask you,where were you on the night in question,video evidence would be nice,but not necessary if you are not willing.lol.:)
#3: Nancy (nbarsi) on Dec 30, 2011 [SPOILER]
I will gladly give you evidence after Teresa, gives up the results from her analysis of the blood testing. Until his poisoning is verified I'll take the fifth!!!
#4: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on Dec 30, 2011
#5: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Dec 30, 2011 [SPOILER]
i agree Kristen,but pleading the fifth makes me more suspicious,you have a guilty look about you Nancy,lol.:)
#6: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Dec 30, 2011 [SPOILER]
I meant the description is priceless, after I said that D wasn't talking. =)
#7: Robin (3rdgal12) on Dec 30, 2011
Love it!
#8: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Dec 30, 2011
Thx Robin.:)
#9: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Dec 30, 2011
Well, if Destyny is backing up your alibi, I suppose you're in the clear.

I love this puzzle.

Nancy. How long ago could the poison have been ingested. There was that webpbn potluck before everyone went on there trips. I puzzle out the dish I brought.
#10: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Dec 30, 2011 [SPOILER]
Arsenic and antimony gather in the bloodstream and become toxic over a period of time. That's why you should never trust old aunties who wear a lot of lace.
#11: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Dec 30, 2011
thx Brian,why wasn't i invited to this pot luck dinner? Either it's cause people see my puzzles of breaking chairs from eating too much,and they're afraid i won't leave food for others,or it was Bugaboo or karl hosting the dinner,which is why i didn't get an invite.lol just kidding guy's.

ROFL Kristen.
#12: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Dec 30, 2011
why would you ever put me in the same sentence as karl?
i am not negative like him, am i?

#13: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on Dec 30, 2011
I think we've trained you to be kinder in your posts :)
#14: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Dec 30, 2011
no bug i'm just joking saying that you or karl wouldn't invite me cause i'm not well liked by you two,but you and i have worked out our differences. Were cool as far as i'm concerned.:)
#15: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Dec 31, 2011 [SPOILER]
Everyone play nice now. I told you Brian that Aldege didn't do it and now you have your proof. This is a great puzzle Aldege - D is so cute!
#16: Teresa K (fasstar) on Dec 31, 2011 [SPOILER]
Aldege, you were there. We all were! Your memory is almost as bad as mine. :-D

The lab results are back. Stay tuned!

BTW, I love the puzzle, Aldege. Baby D is adorable, and your description is priceless.
#17: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Dec 31, 2011 [SPOILER]
thx Susan.:)

thx Teresa,i was there? I must still be mesmerized by all the beautiful women that were there. Oh wait,yeah now i remember,that was the night niki and i had the big fight cause i was gawking.:)
#18: Ellen Vollor (evollor) on Jan 1, 2012 [SPOILER]
I believe that Aldege could be guilty of poisoning Rhodyboy! Anyone who could use a power tool on an item with their infant in it is capable of anything! Poor D.....
#19: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Jan 1, 2012 [SPOILER]
Your absolutely right Ellen,my poor judgement in using power tools anywhere near my daughter does qualify me as someone who is capable of anything,and which makes me the prime suspect. However,i remember someone at the soirée mentioning that they saw you behaving suspiciously,and that you were carrying a vile of something that you tucked inside the sleeve of your provocative,bust enhancing,cleavage displaying silk blouse. You could of easily slipped some potion into Rhodyboy's kool aid while he was gazing at your endowment.:)
#20: Ellen Vollor (evollor) on Jan 1, 2012
ROFL My husband wants to see that blouse that you were mentioning! :)
#21: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Jan 1, 2012
rofl,i think you left it there when someone spilled guacamoli dip all over it. It's probably in the washer of whoever had the pot luck dinner,or Rhodyboy took it home for a trophy.lol.:)
#22: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jan 1, 2012
:-D You guys are too much.
#23: Nancy (nbarsi) on Jan 2, 2012 [SPOILER]
Oh the tangled web YOU are weaving...or thou doth protest too much...Aldege. And what have you done with Teresa, she told you the results would be coming forth with and we haven't heard from her since. Hmmmm!
#24: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Jan 2, 2012 [SPOILER]
Thx Teresa,I've never been called too much.:)

For your information Nancy,Teresa is here she just made a comment(see # 22)lol. However is she the same Teresa that we all know and love or has she been changed by the evildoer,diabolical,Aldège. I can't tell you what i did,or what i would of done to Teresa,because my wife Niki occassionally reads my comments,lol. However suffice to say that Teresa was or should i say would of been in very good hands.lol.:)
#25: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jan 2, 2012
Hahaha. Oh my! Niki knows I'm harmless. That won't stop me from flirting though. :-)

As for the blood work, you all know how long it takes to get any information. The actual test only took minutes, but now we have to go through insurance, and of course I'll need legal clearance to make the results public.

I will say that a toxin was present in his blood, and it did NOT come from the green bean casserole.
#26: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Jan 2, 2012 [SPOILER]
Harmless huh,i'll bet,lol. Legal clearance,who the heck is doing this blood work,Quincy?,and i don't care how good Brian's green bean casserole looked or tasted(actually it was delicious,i must say),i don't trust the guy. He started this whole thing,and now we haven't heard a word from him since comment # 9 when he says "He supposes i'm innocent,if Destyny says so". What you don't believe a 7 month old girl.C-mon Brian,i think the finger should be pointed at the one who first protested. As the old saying goes,"Whoever smelt it dealt it" and this whole thing has as foul a smell as Brian's toxic bean salad to me.lol.:)
#27: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Jan 2, 2012
I'm not saying another thing without my lawyer present.
#28: Nancy (nbarsi) on Jan 2, 2012
Has anyone asked Rhodyboy? Where is he? Is he alive?
#29: Ellen Vollor (evollor) on Jan 2, 2012
Brian, I always wondered if pleading the fifth, or hiding behind a lawyer was a sign of guilt!!
#30: Ellen Vollor (evollor) on Jan 2, 2012
As for me....you can interrogate me as much as you want (I want my blouse back first) because I am innocent of poisoning Rhodyboy. The vial I took at the soiree is another story for another time!
#31: Jota (jota) on Jan 2, 2012
I've been thinking all Rhodyboy got was a BUG!
#32: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Jan 3, 2012
Ok Brian,but if I were you,i would hire the best lawyer you can afford. I hear My Cousin Vinnie is between cases,lol.:)

Nancy,I think Rhodyboy must still be sick in bed. I hope and pray he's still alive. It would be nice to hear from him.:)

Now your thinking like me Ellen,Brian has guilty stamped on his forehead,and is it you who wants that blouse back,or your husband.Whatever the case is,I would wash it good,Rhodyboy slobbered all over it while he was licking the guacamoli off it,while it was still on you. Don't tell your husband that.lol:) Oh and what's the story behind the mysterious vial? Was it full of that female hormone stuff that you spray on to attract men. I saw all the guy's clamoring around you. Here i thought it was that bust enhancing blouse,when perhaps you had a secret weapon all along.:)

Jota,quit trying to play innocent. Your not out of the woods just yet. You were more than equal competition with Ellen for the men's attention. That skin tight,one piece,strapless number you were wearing had the men running back and forth between you and Ellen all night. I felt like i was watching a tennis match. Trust me,when Niki saw you come in dressed like that,she put a vise grip hold on me where she new my attention would not stray to the alluring creature that just walked in. Nudge,nudge,wink,wink if you know what i mean,say no more.:)

#33: Jota (jota) on Jan 3, 2012
#34: Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) on Jan 26, 2018
Lol #27.

Goto next topic

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