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Comments on Puzzle #16376: NHA #7
By Alicia Snyder (prinny)

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#1: Nancy Kay (joyfulnancy) on Nov 14, 2011

Heehee! Boys will be boys, I guess! I'm enjoying your series...I think we all can relate to the ups and downs and unexpected things of moving!
#2: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Nov 14, 2011
umm, he was probably going to play video games the rest of the night anyway right? i mean thats why he hadnt done his "job" in the first place right?

he got the best of both worlds
he got to "sulk" (but still play his video games) and not have to do the job either
#3: Alicia Snyder (prinny) on Nov 15, 2011
Thank you Nancy :)... Yea bugaboo, you got that right! lol.. I shouldn't give him so much crap about it though. He works 60+hrs/wk and he goes to school so he deserves to play video games when he gets a chance. But I will always have a "Honey do" list waiting for him. haha
#4: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Nov 15, 2011
Wow Alicia,i guess your husband sort of deserved this,but couldn't you of warned him you would get the ex to do it first,or asked Raoul the sexy pool cleaner to do it instead.How would you girls like it if we asked our ex wives to sew a button on our shirt,cause the new wife is too busy on facebook to bother.lol.Maybe you should of put on something sexy and said " Hey big boy,when you finish putting my stuff up,look what you can have",lol. BTW,my wife Niki has a huge collection of Coca-Cola stuff,she didn't have to proposition me to put it up though,i just did it cause i love her.Tell your husband that,lol.:)
#5: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Nov 15, 2011 [SPOILER]
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#6: Alicia Snyder (prinny) on Nov 15, 2011
haha Aldege.. you make a very good point. However, I told him for over a month that if he didn't do it for me, I'd have someone else do it. And he knows that my ex husband is not good for much but when he can help with chores that the rest of us don't want to do.. why not?? lol... Niki is a lucky lady to have you helping her out of love. Daniel loves me and he really does help alot but sometimes I have to pester him several times before he does something. And I just don't have that kind of patience. :D

And thank you Susan ;) I love natural light! I rarely use electric to light my house.
#7: Teresa K (fasstar) on Nov 15, 2011 [SPOILER]
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#8: Alicia Snyder (prinny) on Nov 15, 2011
lol Teresa, good question ;)
#9: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Nov 15, 2011
Well Alicia he does work 60hrs/week and go to school,so i think we can cut him some slack,but he does sound like a bit of a procrastinator.
I do pretty much everything around here,because Niki is breast feeding,and her and the baby need that time together to bond. I spend lots of time with them still and manage to have some computer time as well,but i'm retired so i have lots of time available.
As far as a list goes,it's me that has a list for Niki and she's the worst procrastinator of them all,or is she just spoiled. Yeah i think that's more what it is.:)
#10: Alicia Snyder (prinny) on Nov 15, 2011
You're so great Aldege.. Niki seems like a great person and I can tell she's a wonderful mother so she definitely deserves to be spoiled. And yes, Daniel is a procrastinator but he actually does a great job of providing for the family, managing the budget, fixing things that are broken, and allowing me to stay home with the kids. He spends good quality time with us for the most part but there are times when I feel like all he ever does is play video games. I'm just not used to being so spoiled so now that I am, I crave more!!!!!! hahaha
#11: Spot (Pspaughtamus) on Dec 22, 2020
Nine years late, but I'm glad you and your ex are decent to each other. I've known way too many divorced people who can't be civil, even for the kids' sake.

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