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quality: difficulty: solvability: trivial
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#1: Teresa K (fasstar) on Nov 9, 2011
Isn't pregnancy amazing? Or should I say, isn't the developing baby amazing? Enjoy the quiet while you can. :-)#2: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Nov 9, 2011
Cool Ik,yes a developing baby is the most amazing thing you can imagine.Trust me Ik,you will lose a lot of sleep,but you will probably enjoy so much with your little one.Try to relax and embrace every moment you can with the baby,you will have a lot of fun and the baby will make you laugh and smile a lot.:)#3: Angela Claire Hanes (hanesangie) on Nov 9, 2011
If you think the pregnancy is something, wait till the baby is born. Some babies are easy, some aren't. Liked this puzzle.#4: ik (ik) on Nov 12, 2011
hihi my husband keeps saying now just 3 moonths and we have a baby... or he is eating a biscuit whit cheese ands he says just 3 months and there is something else on it i dont know what you give your guests on your baby shower but we give bischuit whit candy coated aniseed (i believ you say it like that haha) and then we have or bleu and white or pink and white.
he is very excited about it he cant wait till the 3 months are over.
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