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Comments on Puzzle #12865: Mr B. #15 a gift without a card
By Sarah Andrews (sarah)

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#1: Sarah Andrews (sarah) on Mar 19, 2011

Some of you have already done this under a different puzzle number. There were two Mr. B #15 listed. I went to delete one but both were deleted. So I had to recreate it; it's exactly the same. Sorry that I lost all the comments.
#2: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Mar 19, 2011
i dont think the comments were terribly memorable
#3: Sarah Andrews (sarah) on Mar 19, 2011
well, the comments are usually the best part of my puzzles. lol
#4: Jota (jota) on Mar 19, 2011
They were memorable! Tom had given the computer to Mr. B and it was an Apple so Mr. B ate it!
#5: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Mar 19, 2011
So Jota if he ate it does he have a blue glow emanating from his mouth when he's singing with his jug band.
#6: Jota (jota) on Mar 19, 2011
Yes! He became the Super Moon!
#7: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Mar 20, 2011
but...he was nice enuf to leave me the core
#8: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Mar 20, 2011
So Tom he ate everything but the mother board or did he just not eat your HARD DRIVE.LOL
#9: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Mar 20, 2011
Cool puzzle Sarah
#10: Sarah Andrews (sarah) on Mar 20, 2011
You guys make the most wonderful comments. If Mr. B ate the Apple, then he needs another computer. I guess I need to plant a money tree. A better idea: I'll plant a money orchard so I can share with everyone. A glowing blue supermoon Rooster in a jug band -- who else but all of us could even come up with this stuff!
#11: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Mar 21, 2011
We are talented,creative,inventive and darn funny at times.
#12: Teresa K (fasstar) on Mar 24, 2011
And so entertaining! :-D

Am I easily entertained? Oh well. Sarah, I love your little stories that go with these little puzzles.

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