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Comments on Puzzle #10202: Not for WC#66
By Petra Lassen (Stjarna)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: line logic only  

Puzzle Description:

Jan Wolter through my eyes

#1: Petra Lassen (Stjarna) on Sep 5, 2010 [SPOILER]

Original image: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs159.snc1/5960_123480972536_648097536_1959061_8097834_n.jpg

I couldn't fit this in 40x40 and get any kind of likeness, and the challenge was about recreating one of Jan's puzzles, so this is NOT for the WC, but was inspired by it.
#2: Jota (jota) on Sep 5, 2010
Dear Petra: You are amazing!
#3: Liz P (Lizteach) on Sep 5, 2010
Wowza! Great idea.
#4: Petra Lassen (Stjarna) on Sep 5, 2010
Too bad I couldn't fit it in a 40x40... but it looked nothing like Jan when I tried. It would have been stretching the rules a bit anyway.
#5: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Sep 5, 2010
Wow! Fantastic image
#6: Petra Lassen (Stjarna) on Sep 5, 2010
Thank you, Susan!
#7: Byrdie (byrdie) on Sep 6, 2010 [HINT]
The quality of puzzles like this always amaze me. Not a push over to solve but rather straight forward line logic will get you through the whole thing.

Really well done and high marks from me.
#8: Petra Lassen (Stjarna) on Sep 6, 2010
Thank you Martin. That is my intention. Line logic and a recognizable image.
#9: Teresa K (fasstar) on Sep 6, 2010
Incredible image and pleasant solve (even with needing to scroll - this was so worth it). Great job, Petra.
#10: Petra Lassen (Stjarna) on Sep 6, 2010
Thank you Teresa! I know you need to solve in "bigger" mode. We should get you a bigger screen to help you solve the larger puzzles!
#11: Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) on Sep 7, 2010 [SPOILER]
Dear Petra,
this is a hell of a picture!
Jan should be very proud. I would like to send you a photo of me, so you can create a picture...
#12: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Sep 7, 2010
far out, Petra
#13: Petra Lassen (Stjarna) on Sep 7, 2010
Conzick, my email is petra@stjarna.org. It's easier to make good puzzles from photos with a lot of contrast in them.
#14: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Sep 7, 2010
looks just like him
good job
#15: Jane Doe (telly) on Sep 7, 2010 [SPOILER]
great one! I look forward to solving one of conzick in the near future. :)
#16: Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) on Sep 8, 2010
Petra, you got mail ...
#17: Petra Lassen (Stjarna) on Sep 8, 2010
#18: Petra Lassen (Stjarna) on Sep 8, 2010
Since Conzick likes LARGE puzzles, I'll make his portrait large. I might make a smaller version of the same puzzle, but I doubt it'll make him justice!
#19: Teresa K (fasstar) on Sep 8, 2010
If it's B&W, then I don't mind large. Can't wait!
#20: Petra Lassen (Stjarna) on Sep 8, 2010
B&W, and it's there already!
#21: Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) on Sep 8, 2010
I am very, very excited!
And thankful, Petra!
#22: Petra Lassen (Stjarna) on Sep 8, 2010
You're welcome. The image you sent me was a great choice, easy to make a good puzzle of!
#23: BlackCat (BlackCat) on Apr 28, 2018
Great puzzle and rewarding image. I don't do too many big puzzles but this looked as if it would be doable without much tediousness. I was right. Great design.

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