Web Paint-by-Number
Weekly Puzzle Creation Theme

New! The weekly theme is to help generate creative ideas for puzzle creators.

This is a followup to the weekly puzzle contests that we used to do on the site. There are no winners or losers: this is a way to generate puzzle ideas and see what creative puzzles people come up with. Each week a theme is announced in forum topic #112. and there is a question and answer in forum topic #122. If you'd like to post a puzzle for the contest, keep the following in mind:

Weekly Challenge Author Rankings:

Points are awarded to winners of the weekly challenge according to the following schedule:

Winner: 10 points
Runner-up: 5 points
Honorable Mention: 3 points
Overall rankings are given below.

Kai-Uwe Zickerickconzick287
Teresa Kfasstar215
Kristen Vognildkristen196
Kurt Kowalczykbahabro179
Aldege Cholettealdege169
valerie o..travisbigblue155
Jane Doetelly106
10 Norma Deenorm090885
11 Kevin Skevins82
12 Meg Taylerrebelcat75
13 Belitabelita75
14 Brian Bellismootpoint74
15 Tonia Berghtonia73
16 Linda Martinilovethispuzzle12353
17 Juan Luis Arteaga Pérezgarimur51
18 Liz Plizteach47
19 Marie-Louise Ambreymarz41
20 K Chouinardcodenumerator39
21 Robyn Broylesginkgo10036
22 David Bouldindbouldin36
23 Kit E. Katzhello35
24 Marie-Louise Ambreymarz7135
25 Kuuipomonkeylover29
26 Jotajota29
27 Joseph Jessengijoex226
28 Joeinfrapinklizzard26
29 besmirched teabesmirched tea26
30 Jennifer Jonesgeekess24
31 Sallie Wilbursarriemom23
32 Randall Childsrchilds23
33 Rea Aksglæde Karlsenrea22
34 Synthia McBridesynthia21
35 Petra Lassenstjarna18
36 Blue Paintbluepaint18
37 Alicia Snyderprinny18
38 Jesse Matlocksooner aviator16
39 Tom Kingsgusa16
40 Agneta aggge15
41 Byrdiebyrdie15
42 Gatorgator15
43 Jacqui Lemonjaxlemon15
44 Ellen Vollorevollor15
45 Carol Brandkarylann15
46 Marena Sasenasachama14
47 Mara Alconeaalconea13
48 Steve Johnsonswjohnson1213
49 Jason Wodickajwodicka13
50 uzuwaveuzuwave13
51 W. Brayton Batsonbatsonb13
52 Tyler Buglewicztbugs1411
53 Ron Jacobsonshmily99911
54 Claudia11
55 jack thornravenskuld10
56 Jake Griffinjako728610
57 Joanna Hinksjchinks10
58 Jim Marshallcyclingwv.110
59 sanane samanyemaceraseven10
60 Mendymendy327310
61 Michelemichiekay10
62 Joel Rogersecosystempets10
63 brenda keenbkgk8110
64 Emily Daviesscaramoucheem10
65 Deb Rysavy Liend_lien10
66 Sally Finklemeierfinklemeier10
67 gregg lichtlgreg10
68 Arduinnaarduinna8
69 Susan Eberhardtsusaneber8
70 annaliviaannalivia8
71 fireflyfirefly8
72 Sonja Tsugarriver8
73 harris harristorough4u6
74 Maria Guedezbapebyto.16
75 vindersloonvindersloon6
76 Francieeicnarf6
77 Claudiaclau_bolson6
78 Wesley Snyderwsnyder986
79 Heather Mauntieh6
80 Jonah Kramerjredbarn6
81 Shallynshallyn5
82 Jan Wolterjan5
83 Naomi Millarsailormewtwo5
84 Trippertrippercr5
85 Adam Nielsonmonkeyboy5
86 Joel Lynnfurface15
87 bartek2241bartek22415
88 Amy Adamsajstarner685
89 Sarah Belsanharas895
90 noodleslhirst5
91 Rita Lebedevavitanulka5
92 MMDmmd3
93 Kevin Tiberioktberio3
94 Douglas Wardelltanis03
95 Amy Canhannahkin3
96 Kylie :)misty3
97 Flying Princessflyingprincess3
98 Skippy Millergmillvmill3
99 Lilly Johnsljohns3153
100 Dave Oaskhpdave3
101 Jay Hughesbfavrehof743
102 Susan Duncanmedic257333
103 Horacehorace3
104 laurpollaurpol3
105 Kyliekyl3z3
106 Kayla Aldridgekma612900
107 Merilimerilinnuke0