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#1712: Union 3 20x30 4 jack thorn (ravenskuld)
#2590: Raiding Party 8 45x25 4 jack thorn (ravenskuld)
#3303: Ready, Set, Go! 7 31x31 5 jack thorn (ravenskuld)
#3344: Riley Montana 3 50x57 2 jack thorn (ravenskuld)
#3694: WC#6 - flying high... 10 35x35 2 jack thorn (ravenskuld)
#3742: Classic Two-Man Showdown 3 85x60 3 jack thorn (ravenskuld)
#3743: Always On My Computer 7 16x16 3 jack thorn (ravenskuld)
#3761: WC#7 - [after pulling the egg from my face] 6 40x40 3 jack thorn (ravenskuld)
#3906: wc #10 - This scares me! 25 21x21 2 jack thorn (ravenskuld)
#3908: "blast" from the past 6 40x40 4 jack thorn (ravenskuld)
#4005: WC#12 - great source of joy 22 15x15 2 jack thorn (ravenskuld)
#4362: WC #16: just missing the Ivy... 12 40x30 4 jack thorn (ravenskuld)