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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#12947 spiral 6 benny (benny) Mar 21, 2011 
#13938 minimal sport 2 18 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) May 15, 2011 
#2052 Pixilated Painting #6 9 Arduinna (arduinna) Dec 25, 2007 
#15205 Sarah's US contest - HINTS 2 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Jul 16, 2011 
#1186 U.S.A FLAG 13 william greene (deac75) Aug 15, 2007 
#15605 my lame face. 10 Bart Henning (blazers67) Aug 22, 2011 
#12946 my favorite color 17 benny (benny) Mar 21, 2011 
#1962 Use The Force! 39 Alex Klages (metalfoot) Dec  7, 2007 
#15369 What's in the sandbox? 9 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jul 30, 2011 
#14225 Minimal Sport 7 6 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) May 28, 2011 
#14221 Minimal Sport 3 8 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) May 28, 2011 
#12927 Brian's animal challenge # 10 (joke) 8 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Mar 21, 2011 
#1909 The Old Rugged... [religious] 18 Alex Klages (metalfoot) Nov 30, 2007 
#3038 waste of time 26 jessica ellison (cancer91) Jul  7, 2008 
#2085 Hello 12 Phil Cudlob (redskinsfan21) Jan  1, 2008 
#4935 a really tiny flag 11 Ellen Ritchie (emritchie) Feb  5, 2009 
#4481 small face 11 shay yatim (shay3979) Dec 22, 2008 
#5690 WC #32 "I'll even throw in the black keys for free" 7 Rich Garrard (KCRich) Apr 21, 2009 
#3134 Ó fögur er vor fósturjörð 5 Magnus Boivie (boivie) Jul 27, 2008 
#5347 flag 4 3 Pam Negri (pamnegri) Mar 14, 2009 
#5550 number 5 Ryan Anderson (ryguy) Apr  8, 2009 
#3603 Flag 1, 5 Teppo Karp (Tepi.1) Sep 20, 2008 
#4407 small frog 12 shay yatim (shay3979) Dec 17, 2008 
#874 9 vika (vika1224.1) May  6, 2007 
#5354 flag 10 2 Pam Negri (pamnegri) Mar 14, 2009 
#3314 Yet another flag 24 Magnus Boivie (boivie) Aug 21, 2008 
#7488 11 aaaa (4xaa) Dec 23, 2009 
#7195 what do you see? 33 Ellen Ritchie (emritchie) Nov 24, 2009 
#4725 I am... 6 Itai Palmoo (igot3) Jan 12, 2009 
#4451 greetings 7 aj (13ajin) Dec 19, 2008 
#5133 me!!!!!!!!1 6 maggy mae (fillyjo) Feb 24, 2009 
#8207 minimalism - Hooked 14 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Mar 30, 2010 
#7187 tiny not ours flag 12 Ellen Ritchie (emritchie) Nov 23, 2009 
#5351 flag 8 2 Pam Negri (pamnegri) Mar 14, 2009 
#5436 ______Love and happiness 7 Kimberli A (ksa7919) Mar 26, 2009 
#600 No1 10 anita lewis (Ginger.1) Nov 11, 2006 
#3343 Estonian flag 7 Kristel (kris2139) Aug 27, 2008 
#7953 all colors 32 desirae carpenter (pinkrider) Mar  2, 2010 
#5353 flag 9 2 Pam Negri (pamnegri) Mar 14, 2009 
#5424 rail road 4 mishele (michalaizi) Mar 25, 2009 
#7814 birthday cake 16 Hanna Graver (roodies2cool) Feb 13, 2010 
#7510 L O V E 18 Catherine Bergmann (acesbutterfly88) Dec 27, 2009 
#7196 upside 6 Ellen Ritchie (emritchie) Nov 24, 2009 
#6429 Drummer 10 Robyn Broyles (ginkgo100) Aug  4, 2009 
#3177 Siniristilippu 10 Magnus Boivie (boivie) Jul 29, 2008 
#7951 all dark 15 desirae carpenter (pinkrider) Mar  2, 2010 
#5566 why? 9 Ryan Anderson (ryguy) Apr  9, 2009 
#2521 who's flag # 24 4 harris harris (torough4u) Mar 24, 2008 
#7673 happy valentines day!!!!!=) 8 Gabrielle Eierman (gibergirl0001) Jan 26, 2010 
#7818 I had to do it ... to honor 6 Jota (jota) Feb 13, 2010 
#7952 colorful 5 desirae carpenter (pinkrider) Mar  2, 2010 
#3575 A flag 6 Amanda Egeskov Hald (Minimanta) Sep 17, 2008 
#8503 T E WHAT ? 6 frederic francis (Law Dragon) May 19, 2010 
#8547 FIRE ! 2 frederic francis (Law Dragon) May 19, 2010 
#7438 A tasty treat! 13 Fran (rmm) Dec 17, 2009 
#998 Iceland 13 Leif Hvid (Lebbe) Jun 27, 2007 
#11024 chess#1 6 zachary richerd morris (sonic123) Nov 14, 2010 
#10185 E numele tau 9 Andrei Kantor (heraphim) Sep  3, 2010 
#6026 Apothem 2 wendy herndon (wendyherndon) Jun  5, 2009 
#11445 messed up quilt, yeaaaaaah! 11 koakuma (koakuma) Dec 16, 2010 
#11428 Tartan quilt square 6 Joel Lynn (furface1) Dec 15, 2010 
#11458 Another quilt square. 11 Linda Martin (ilovethispuzzle123) Dec 16, 2010 
#9157 4 Alicia... 3 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jun 11, 2010 
#2543 who's flag #33 4 harris harris (torough4u) Mar 26, 2008 
#10267 box 3 nakita edwards (candy) Sep  9, 2010 
#4405 face snake 11 shay yatim (shay3979) Dec 17, 2008 
#7900 webpbn has... 11 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Feb 23, 2010 
#11405 my quilt square! 3 deen (barbaradeen) Dec 15, 2010 
#7487 11 aaaa (4xaa) Dec 23, 2009 
#6027 7 paul evans (Super Paul) Jun  5, 2009 
#8939 fins 6 frederic francis (Law Dragon) May 24, 2010 
#3039 blocks yea 11 jessica ellison (cancer91) Jul  7, 2008 
#3275 checkers 9 jessica ellison (cancer91) Aug 13, 2008 
#12015 wcp#77 is this small enough. 21 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Feb  1, 2011 
#10461 Poor Camera Technique - 3 13 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Sep 24, 2010 
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