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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#14503 Never seen this before 4 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Jun 11, 2011 
#9039 Poor Bambi :( 11 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jun  3, 2010 
#14224 Minimal Sport 6 2 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) May 28, 2011 
#13077 colors 5 Justyna Adamczyk (justyna1987ix) Mar 29, 2011 
#14391 Small Watercraft 7 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jun  6, 2011 
#3275 checkers 9 jessica ellison (cancer91) Aug 13, 2008 
#14417 Goes with a computer 15 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jun  8, 2011 
#14909 Beautiful day 10 Maggie Johns (Magginni) Jun 25, 2011 
#7579 Lame joke... 9 Andrew (SepetPhalanx) Jan  8, 2010 
#23210 AI 4 Andrew Mairose (ajmair01) Nov 24, 2013 
#13978 and another sport 5 annalivia (annalivia) May 18, 2011 
#7729 pattern 4 3 Kayla Aldridge (KMA61290) Feb  4, 2010 
#7447 Greatness 12 Bartholemew Newburger (burgerdude) Dec 19, 2009 
#8503 T E WHAT ? 6 frederic francis (Law Dragon) May 19, 2010 
#795 Nothing Paticular 20 michael31415 (ml.qwerty) Jun  7, 2007 
#3335 fun thing 2 person harris (games1793) Aug 25, 2008 
#15941 united close up 5 zac (zacsonic230) Oct  1, 2011 
#4673 sunset 3 shay yatim (shay3979) Feb  4, 2009 
#14598 The Stronghold 3 Angie Heath (bewildering15) Jun 16, 2011 
#1933 Ball 8 Julia Koelpin (Number_Julia) Dec  2, 2007 
#5054 artsy 10 Pam Negri (pamnegri) Feb 15, 2009 
#5031 weird 10 heather crowe (heathercrowe-1993) Feb 13, 2009 
#7703 WCP #52 My favorit parts 7 Kayla Aldridge (KMA61290) Jan 30, 2010 
#13974 another bitty sport 4 annalivia (annalivia) May 18, 2011 
#7503 marks the spot 2 Sheila Clancy (sclancy) Dec 26, 2009 
#21434 Difficult Puzzle 9 Adam Springer (adam8888) Mar 22, 2013 
#15587 ma...ma...my 7 Angie Heath (bewildering18) Aug 19, 2011 
#1962 Use The Force! 39 Alex Klages (metalfoot) Dec  7, 2007 
#16327 something 1 Mia (IcreateBeauty101) Nov 10, 2011 
#16528 My 2nd puzzle..... (really have no idea what was going through my head) 6 catelyn jones (catelyn123) Nov 26, 2011 
#7754 bule sky, green grass 9 desirae carpenter (pinkrider) Mar  2, 2010 
#20996 cheese 4 Sheri Haemmelmann (Sheri) Jan 29, 2013 
#1963 Keep The Flame 12 Alex Klages (metalfoot) Dec  7, 2007 
#7439 Gather them up! 8 Fran (rmm) Dec 17, 2009 
#17218 January 18, 2012 13 david bryan (bdaved) Jan 18, 2012 
#17101 nails 3 lukebeswick (lukeb44) Jan 11, 2012 
#3572 cap 1 10 disorn (cape) Sep 17, 2008 
#17252 Se parteeeeeeeee!!! 3 Lila Lilas (Lilith) Jan 20, 2012 
#16600 Ltr A 2 PipPip (rtid9) Dec  4, 2011 
#16908 1 Christeena Parksey (NCMom07) Dec 26, 2011 
#845 The Easiest Puzzle Ever 20 michael31415 (ml.qwerty) Apr 20, 2007 
#14463 the view 3 Heather (heatherkewl) Jun  9, 2011 
#1991 jumbo of colours 23 Rachel Freer (Little Freer) Dec 11, 2007 
#5194 Snake Eye 10 Matthew Plotas (Tom Brady) Mar  2, 2009 
#18660 Minimal Who #2 10 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) May 15, 2012 
#17918 olivia is sad:( 7 albany C (albby) Mar 14, 2012 
#8251 HRC 6 Andrea Black (andreanannette) Apr  3, 2010 
#18368 Lets here it for........ 3 Kaylee G. :))))) (kayleeg1999) Apr 18, 2012 
#8274 Domino Logic (Abstract pattern) 4 Josh Greifer (joshgreifer) Apr  4, 2010 
#874 9 vika (vika1224.1) May  6, 2007 
#3690 !IH 2 Matthew Plotas (Tom Brady) Sep 29, 2008 
#19696 For Kristen 8 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Sep  3, 2012 
#2014 whats on 5 chani morgenstern (SuperGirl.1) Dec 15, 2007 
#18451 Aldège's minimalist what is it? 18 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Apr 27, 2012 
#18086 minimalist muppet 1 Wombat (wombatilim) Mar 27, 2012 
#17179 patterns is what I do 2 Sheri Haemmelmann (Sheri) Jan 15, 2012 
#21548 Modern Art 7 Deanna W (Silkbear) Mar 30, 2013 
#18605 Bruce's minimalist #4 8 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) May 10, 2012 
#14014 Happy! Happy! 8 Maggie Johns (Magginni) May 20, 2011 
#18931 minimalist what signature entry 13 John Macdonald (perlwolf) Jun  8, 2012 
#8957 apple tree 1 steph morris (sonic230) May 25, 2010 
#21855 Tiny but strong 39 Thomas Genuine (Genuine) Apr 30, 2013 
#9189 Que treta... 2 sonia silva (silvsc) Jul  2, 2010 
#18990 ANiket 5 aniketk (aniketk1401) Jun 13, 2012 
#2660 Snaky 10 Mike Ghaly (wrldtrvlr2000) Apr 19, 2008 
#18365 X marks the spot 0 Kaylee G. :))))) (kayleeg1999) Apr 18, 2012 
#5339 welcome 7 mishele (michalaizi) Mar 14, 2009 
#20739 WCP#123 i love mankind 5 Benjamin Avrahami (ben13) Jan  2, 2013 
#23403 present 3 OrliKids (jlorli) Dec 22, 2013 
#9055 WCP # 60 Illegal entry 5 Jota (jota) Jun  4, 2010 
#9105 the blue,green,gray,red fire pastoin in the light flashing onto me go to me DESCIPTION AND SEE WHAT I HAD WROTE ITS COOL AND A SECRET 9 ceceliaknight (cutelovey224) Jun  8, 2010 
#18770 my puzzle 3 14 maxime degrace (maxmax229) May 27, 2012 
#5379 eye tricks(3) 1 mishele (michalaizi) Mar 17, 2009 
#21875 4 Y-Lime (Y-Lime) May  1, 2013 
#9051 Don't stare too long! 3 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Jun  4, 2010 
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