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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#38572 ASL A 1 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Apr 29, 2024 
#38153 Throw #7 1 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 30, 2023 
#8628 1 joy toney (murtdoll) Apr 29, 2010 
#31612 Initials puzzle 1 Charlie Young (Charlieyoung2211) Sep 27, 2018 
#38593 ASL L 1 Alicia Snyder (prinny) May  5, 2024 
#6077 Table Game 1 Aaron Tennison (Adinell.1) Jun 12, 2009 
#38309 X 1 Morgan Moffitt (Morgan) Mar  4, 2024 
#5677 Snorkeling 3 1 MMD (mmd) Apr 22, 2009 
#38328 Odin's Raven 1 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Mar  8, 2024 
#12298 His employer. 1 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Feb 18, 2011 
#11790 Moving On... 1 janet kennedy (jlgoose) Jan 17, 2011 
#36260 watching (the other one) 1 Reb Thomas (rebbers) Dec 28, 2022 
#25025 Emblem 2 1 Joseph Newton (Shroomyjoe) Jul  6, 2014 
#21826 Simply Trees 1 paige (paigepgrant) Apr 27, 2013 
#36898 June 16 is.... 1 BRASH ATAOM (BRASHatAOM) Jun 16, 2023 
#36002 mirror 1 cathy mcweeney (catty) Oct 21, 2022 
#11704 Road Sign 5 1 Mallory (goalie_31) Jan  8, 2011 
#36094 its rainin 1 cathy mcweeney (catty) Nov 18, 2022 
#32960 Super Mario 1 Ronaldo Cabral (Ronaldo.cabral) Sep 29, 2019 
#38525 C 1 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Apr 24, 2024 
#31394 A old-looking disgusting avocado 1 Elise P (CamiSoke) Jul  4, 2018 
#31180 Merc with a mouth 1 Jesse Jones (jjphoto) May 10, 2018 
#16946 NFL - Logo #23 1 Russell Reed (russl722) Dec 31, 2011 
#38582 ASL E 1 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Apr 30, 2024 
#37702 Lest We Forget 1 Ella Hustwitt (Dragonfyre) Nov 11, 2023 
#16958 NFL - Logo #25 1 Russell Reed (russl722) Dec 31, 2011 
#12204 Running in Red 1 Bill Murphy (Llamaman21) Feb 13, 2011 
#14482 Element #13 1 Lydia FrostBrophy (frophy) Jun 10, 2011 
#38612 ASL P 1 Alicia Snyder (prinny) May  9, 2024 
#38614 ASL R 1 Alicia Snyder (prinny) May  9, 2024 
#36185 workin 1 cathy mcweeney (catty) Dec  7, 2022 
#38602 ASL O 1 Alicia Snyder (prinny) May  6, 2024 
#38257 Copy of Idk not know 1 Morgan Moffitt (Morgan) Feb 19, 2024 
#36877 June 12 is.... 1 BRASH ATAOM (BRASHatAOM) Jun  9, 2023 
#19921 Stocking design - republished 1 Susan Eberhardt (susaneber) Jun  9, 2017 
#4292 jigsaw puzzle (new life) 3 of 4 1 harris harris (torough4u) Dec  9, 2008 
#18774 Not so tough now!! 1 Nelson Peters (Ace999) May 27, 2012 
#27939 A Question of Tyles 1 JT (Yidl) Jan  1, 2016 
#22466 strawberry 1 Thomas Genuine (Genuine) Jul 30, 2013 
#6095 L. O. Z Enemy #3 1 Mac Vail (MV17) Jun 15, 2009 
#38782 April showers 1 stephanie weir (mamabear24) Aug  8, 2024 
#4290 jigsaw puzzle (new life) 1 of 4 1 harris harris (torough4u) Dec  9, 2008 
#38618 ASL S 1 Alicia Snyder (prinny) May 10, 2024 
#36902 June 20 is.... 1 BRASH ATAOM (BRASHatAOM) Jun 16, 2023 
#32945 What ... is it ? 1 Rick (bee) Sep 29, 2019 
#38434 April 8, 2024 1 Judy Baker (aksjmom) Apr  2, 2024 
#31564 Nether Fortress 1 BabsHoney (BabsHoney) Sep 19, 2018 
#36838 loz 1 Berkles (berkles) May 18, 2023 
#8783 No not the cave! (P Series 8) 1 Ray Star (RazorStar) May 12, 2010 
#8803 Shiny Aye Aye Aye (P Series 12) 1 Ray Star (RazorStar) May 13, 2010 
#14729 ship 1 Angie Heath (bewildering3) Jun 17, 2011 
#21072 Stairs 1 Chetari Anasazi (Chetari) Feb  8, 2013 
#22107 Another Mix-Up 1 Alison P Deem (Indigo1) Jun  9, 2013 
#21836 when Ellie Said the "S" Word (Part 8) 1 Susan Eberhardt (susaneber) Apr 28, 2013 
#30636 house in frame 1 JensenTS (Random Giy) Dec 14, 2017 
#30288 Tapping into... 1 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Oct  4, 2017 
#25080 Christian Music Group 1 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Jul 16, 2014 
#22115 nothing special 1 Lori (hollapooh) Jun  9, 2013 
#22529 Guess this building #2 1 Thomas Genuine (Genuine) Aug  6, 2013 
#21636 A strange cube... 1 Ben (bendanielhayden) Apr  9, 2013 
#13470 Sporty 1 Anja A. (missunderztood) Apr 19, 2011 
#13309 Puzzling puzzle 1 Joel Rogers (ecosystempets) Apr 11, 2011 
#4307 jigsaw puzzle (my perfect day) 5 of 6 1 harris harris (torough4u) Dec 10, 2008 
#21554 Katelyn's Easter Egg 1 Steve LaFortune (lafor399) Mar 31, 2013 
#23930 HI 1 Alex Z (AlexZweig) Feb 27, 2014 
#7159 Me Brudder 1 Ray Star (RazorStar) Nov 20, 2009 
#23726 Sentinels of the Wild 1 Nathan Benjamin Maxwell1 (nathanmaxwell1) Feb  6, 2014 
#23100 National basketball champs 1 Beth Greenwald (bethgreenwald) Nov  9, 2013 
#4378 plaid #1 1 kathy Bowman (Kathy.1) Dec 14, 2008 
#23513 Who's that Pokemon?! (2) 1 Macci Clement (girly980) Jan  7, 2014 
#4308 jigsaw puzzle (my perfect day) 4 of 6 1 harris harris (torough4u) Dec 10, 2008 
#15337 Pizza 1 Unavailable (MagsterJP) Jul 28, 2011 
#23109 creeper 1 Dylan Mecham (Halo-DJ ) Nov 10, 2013 
#14290 House of Smurfs 1 Beth Greenwald (bethgreenwald) Jun  3, 2011 
#22413 Man of Steel 1 Jay Bee (jaybee) Jul 21, 2013 
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