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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#4169 Totally against war! 3 Amanda King (panda_love) Nov 27, 2008 
#11872 Mini Windmill 3 Jayne Paterson (TheBatterie) Jan 23, 2011 
#4168 Advent 11 3 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) Dec 11, 2008 
#15930 fresh apples 3 jess m (kit27) Sep 30, 2011 
#11113 What kind of bird is it? 3 frederic francis (Law Dragon) Nov 22, 2010 
#11863 Nector of the Gods 3 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jan 22, 2011 
#3094 Curlie 3 Rose Brock (rosebroc) Jul 18, 2008 
#11116 pacman 3 koakuma (koakuma) Nov 23, 2010 
#4148 tile 3 Maria Guedez (bapebyto.1) Nov 25, 2008 
#3101 big red 3 Kelly Jaye (kellyjaye) Jul 24, 2008 
#11855 Rebus ? 3 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jan 21, 2011 
#15926 Swift Justice. 3 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Sep 30, 2011 
#3107 johney x 3 kaella young (kiko88) Jul 19, 2008 
#4142 Lines 3 Teppo Karp (Tepi.1) Nov 24, 2008 
#17599 WHL - Logo #20 3 Russell Reed (russl722) Feb 25, 2012 
#17667 Shop Tool #7 3 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar  7, 2012 
#4118 four of four 3 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Nov 23, 2008 
#4116 Two of four 3 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Nov 23, 2008 
#14849 Word of the Month 3 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jun 22, 2011 
#15695 Stay there,don't you move. 3 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Aug 28, 2011 
#3148 Every little girl's dream 3 Flying Princess (flyingprincess) Jul 26, 2008 
#3156 Copy of Elizabeth Swann (a bit easier) 3 Nancy Snyder (naneki) Jul 26, 2008 
#11816 my favorite classic-movie-monster! (by Chris) 3 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Jan 18, 2011 
#14718 Element The 28th- Nickel 3 Wallace DeCruise (WallaceD) Jun 17, 2011 
#4085 WC # 13 I saw it in my garden ... 3 Jota (Jota) Nov 20, 2008 
#11179 Woo 3 Amy Jenkins (amymjenk) Nov 30, 2010 
#4066 the dress 3 jennifer Clune (jen-clune) Nov 20, 2008 
#11801 Big A 3 Ashley Lynn Norman (PinkyPony08) Jan 17, 2011 
#3178 Eleftheria i Thanatos 3 Magnus Boivie (boivie) Jul 31, 2008 
#3227 Amazing 3 Synthia McBride (Synthia) Aug  9, 2008 
#3238 love 3 kiki (yellowbaby.1) Aug  9, 2008 
#14803 Bob, Sally, and... 3 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jun 20, 2011 
#15729 TED Talks #11 3 Teresa K (fasstar) Sep  2, 2011 
#11746 Mapuche Symbols III 3 Claudia (clau_bolson) Jan 13, 2011 
#3258 How about a magic trick? 3 secondmouse (secondmouse) Aug 14, 2008 
#15894 Major Time Waster. 3 Mary Maxine (Shanarieva) Sep 24, 2011 
#11739 Sci-Scrapers 2 3 Andee (AndeeRC) Jan 12, 2011 
#3867 Justice 3 Trent Leach (tleach) Oct 25, 2008 
#15891 The World's Greatest Plumber 3 Rajiv Thamburaj (Strider) Sep 24, 2011 
#11710 Learning to draw - K 3 S Siakoulis (nitsa) Jan  9, 2011 
#3291 Tuxedo kitty 3 kathy Bowman (Kathy.1) Aug 16, 2008 
#14797 Another Bob puzzle 3 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jun 20, 2011 
#3815 Y-IKES! 3 Maryn Horn (nicole15) Oct 19, 2008 
#11373 my contribution to the whole 3 Mary Abrams (meabrams) Dec 14, 2010 
#15747 One of the earlier ones. 3 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Sep  6, 2011 
#3782 Fun game! Just ask a Norwegian 3 Mike Riehle (angus99.1) Oct 13, 2008 
#3317 ONLY 99c 3 heather yo (gov8) Aug 22, 2008 
#3777 BOO! 3 Synthia McBride (synthia) Oct 12, 2008 
#15876 IDK 3 catelyn jones ( cmjones) Sep 23, 2011 
#11679 Exercise 2 3 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  5, 2011 
#3776 To my Darling 3 Teppo Karp (Tepi.1) Oct 12, 2008 
#3771 map 3 eleonora (eleonora) Oct 12, 2008 
#3767 my first creation: my tattoo 3 Justin Edge (jstnedge) Oct 10, 2008 
#3758 Fabric Design D 3 Tonia Bergh (tonia) Oct  9, 2008 
#3747 My Boys 3 Mike Riehle (angus99.1) Oct  7, 2008 
#3742 Classic Two-Man Showdown 3 jack thorn (ravenskuld) Oct  9, 2008 
#15757 Yeah Baby 3 Dan Haneline (dhaneline) Sep  5, 2011 
#3344 Riley Montana 3 jack thorn (ravenskuld) Aug 27, 2008 
#3734 Fabric Design C 3 Tonia Bergh (tonia) Oct  4, 2008 
#15762 The Four Seasons 3 Trish217 (Trish217) Sep  7, 2011 
#11405 my quilt square! 3 deen (barbaradeen) Dec 15, 2010 
#11648 Dallas.... 3 Sue M. (smacgreg) Jan  3, 2011 
#3707 Greek Letters 3 David Martens (hillertar) Sep 30, 2008 
#11414 Quilt square 3 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Dec 15, 2010 
#3697 Big Ten Rulers 3 Timothy Simpson (hypspecter) Sep 29, 2008 
#11417 Heart Quilt 3 Kristen Maria (coco4484) Dec 15, 2010 
#3366 Downunder flag 3 Christine Freer (cfreer) Aug 29, 2008 
#11632 Home is where.... 3 Amy Jenkins (amymjenk) Jan  1, 2011 
#11630 Peace! 3 Amy Lynn (amers87) Jan  1, 2011 
#15861 Portrayal 3 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Sep 22, 2011 
#11440 shiny quilt~ 3 koakuma (koakuma) Dec 16, 2010 
#3389 Preparing for Gustav 3 Georgia Wren (teachno11) Aug 31, 2008 
#15858 Replace with a new one,twice a year. 3 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Sep 22, 2011 
#15846 Daydreaming 3 Zita G (lwen) Sep 20, 2011 
#3411 The Explorer! 3 shalonda nutt (sdrew) Sep  2, 2008 
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