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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#9054 Awe :) 1 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Jun  4, 2010 
#5769 AWESOME 6 Derek Johnson (JETER #2) May  3, 2009 
#1316 Awkward 10 Jessica M. (jam523) Sep  7, 2007 
#4469 AWWW!!! 1 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Dec 21, 2008 
#24677 Awww, a tough one. 25 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jun  5, 2014 
#8051 Awww, how beautiful! 14 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Mar 16, 2010 
#16825 Awwww! 6 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Dec 20, 2011 
#32059 Awwww! Poor fella is sad.... 10 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Feb 13, 2019 
#894 AWWWWW...... 18 Kim Kettner (kkettner) May 19, 2007 
#8170 Awwwwwww 17 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Mar 26, 2010 
#12514 Aye captain 13 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Mar  3, 2011 
#10285 AZRD :) 7 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Sep 10, 2010 
#34195 À l'assaut. 3 Michel Plourde (micplour) Jun  8, 2020 
#28485 “Don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.” 5 Donna McFarland (jade8114) Jul 29, 2016 
#31655 ㅇ앳쇼 3 eewawetwe (ddongddo) Oct  3, 2018 
#34240 Ça sent les vacances 3 Michel Plourde (micplour) Jun 17, 2020 
#34349 Époque des chevaliers 1 Michel Plourde (micplour) Jul 27, 2020 
#33886 Équitation 6 Michel Plourde (micplour) Apr 11, 2020 
#28574 à la Norma #34 (dropped letter) 4 Jill Tallmer (Yidl) Aug 16, 2016 
#28797 à la Norma #41 (dropped letter) 2 Jill Tallmer (yidl) Sep 21, 2016 
#28853 à la Norma #54--(dropped letter) 7 Jill Tallmer (Yidl) Oct  8, 2016 
#38343 B 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar 13, 2024 
#38524 B 0 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Apr 24, 2024 
#2125 B L U E!!!!!!!! blue!/w green 6 Rachel Clune (rebecca) Jan  6, 2008 
#13411 B as in 7 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Apr 17, 2011 
#13581 b band 16 annalivia (annalivia) Apr 24, 2011 
#33176 B is for 5 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Nov 16, 2019 
#14529 B is for... 3 Andrea Black (andreanannette) Jun 12, 2011 
#24334 B is For... 11 Bryan (Cyclone) Apr 28, 2014 
#5766 B is for... 18 Meg Tayler (rebelcat) May  3, 2009 
#24663 B vs S 12 Craig Mellen (cmellen33) Jun  3, 2014 
#3726 B&W pattern 7 harris harris (torough4u) Oct  3, 2008 
#22295 B+W 6 DAISY (kjk7) Jun 30, 2013 
#2385 b-e-a utiful in the summer 13 Piron Kimberly (charmed) Mar  7, 2008 
#9337 B.B. 14 Mike Kam (Zl.oft) Jun 24, 2010 
#20932 B1 - Meanwhile.................. 10 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 21, 2013 
#21049 B10 - Waiting for the NEW SPELLS demo to begin. 16 Norma Dee (norm0908) Feb  4, 2013 
#21061 B11 - Stealth tactics. 10 Norma Dee (norm0908) Feb  7, 2013 
#21079 B12 - Certainly this will wear off.....Won't it? 6 Norma Dee (norm0908) Feb  9, 2013 
#21088 B13 - And that's how you'll remain.... 5 Norma Dee (norm0908) Feb 10, 2013 
#21093 B14 - Igor gets a time out. 8 Norma Dee (norm0908) Feb 12, 2013 
#21097 B15 - Going out. 7 Norma Dee (norm0908) Feb 13, 2013 
#21120 B16 - Igor has finished his time out. 10 Norma Dee (norm0908) Feb 15, 2013 
#20937 B2 - Camping out. 7 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 22, 2013 
#21969 B2's O 31 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) May 18, 2013 
#20945 B3 -At play 9 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 23, 2013 
#20963 B4-Helper gets caught. 5 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 25, 2013 
#20978 B5 - Poor Igor. He keeps trying. 8 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 26, 2013 
#21004 B6 - How do I look? 6 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 30, 2013 
#21005 B7 - All dressed up. 7 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 30, 2013 
#21013 B8 - Transportation for Ms. Witch and Company 6 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 31, 2013 
#21036 B9 - Having a ball at the ball. 21 Norma Dee (norm0908) Feb  3, 2013 
#31674 B??C AD?? 3 eewawetwe (ddongddo) Oct 11, 2018 
#36672 Baaaa... 3 Jonathan Wagner (jwagner) Apr  9, 2023 
#22371 baashful one... 11 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Jul 14, 2013 
#5921 Baba 12 Teresa K (fasstar) May 23, 2009 
#35442 Baba Yaga 4 Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) Nov 24, 2021 
#15273 Babbling Brooks 12 Teresa K (fasstar) Jul 23, 2011 
#5224 Babies sit there...so it must be not so hard... 7 mishele (michalaizi) Mar  4, 2009 
#31466 Baboon causes power outage in Phoenix 14 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jul 31, 2018 
#7590 baboon heart 19 Nancy Snyder (naneki) Jan 10, 2010 
#30548 Baby 8 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec  3, 2017 
#11083 baby animal 13 koakuma (koakuma) Nov 19, 2010 
#25778 Baby bird 4 Rita Lebedeva (vitanulka) Jan  1, 2015 
#38880 Baby Carrier 3 Yonah Kondor (yokon965) Sep 19, 2024 
#31443 baby cries... 9 Jaime Lee (huileehui) Jul 24, 2018 
#36366 Baby Forumla 5 Yonah Kondor (yokon965) Jan 19, 2023 
#31588 Baby Giraffe 4 Tyler Green (Tygreen4) Sep 25, 2018 
#2616 Baby in a Stroller 11 Jessica (Jess26) Apr  7, 2008 
#38881 Baby Monitor 12 Yonah Kondor (yokon965) Sep 19, 2024 
#10198 Baby needs new pair of shoes 4 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Sep  5, 2010 
#38889 Baby Powder 7 Yonah Kondor (yokon965) Sep 23, 2024 
#13066 Baby Q #1 - Are you my mother? 17 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Mar 28, 2011 
#2467 baby thing 40 person harris (games1793) Mar 20, 2008 
#14644 baby toy 3 Allison C (allisonc) Jun 15, 2011 
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