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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#27165 Would you like a bite? 7 Deb Rysavy Lien (d_lien) Jan  1, 2016 
#3365 Would you like any fries with that? 27 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Aug 29, 2008 
#4425 Would you like some blue coffee? 1 PRISCILA CALDAS CABRIAL (pepita10) Dec 17, 2008 
#20728 would you Like to see a ... 7 Jessie V (Jepu) Jan  1, 2013 
#5423 would you try it? 6 mishele (michalaizi) Mar 25, 2009 
#15195 Would you? 6 Deborah Peterson (Excalibur) Jul 15, 2011 
#30728 Woven 1 AK Thompson (mordia) Jan 16, 2018 
#22252 woven carpet 3 A Lathe (fozzielathe) Jun 23, 2013 
#17140 WoW 9 Charles Homan (burke615) Jan 14, 2012 
#34054 wow 0 Nejat Polat (npolat) May 12, 2020 
#15826 Wow ,we have a lot of friends.(At the drive in # 37). 9 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Sep 15, 2011 
#15620 Wow look at that one....cool. 4 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Aug 22, 2011 
#18945 Wow that hurts... 16 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Jun  9, 2012 
#24032 Wow, cool man... 10 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Mar 17, 2014 
#11438 wow, it's a quilt! 6 koakuma (koakuma) Dec 16, 2010 
#16684 Wow,she's good. 6 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Dec  8, 2011 
#36819 Wow. It certainly crowded out here (see 1st comment) 7 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jul 26, 2024 
#31468 Wow. A special thanks to Valerie. 27 Norma Dee (norm0908) Aug  1, 2018 
#9917 WOW...hot stuff. 3 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Aug  9, 2010 
#23624 Wowsers!! 6 noodles (lhirst) Jan 20, 2014 
#33289 Wozzles Barbarious 0 [Required] ([Required]) Dec  3, 2019 
#24081 WP # 148 - Ten-shun! 15 Norma Dee (norm0908) Mar 24, 2014 
#30958 WPBN (past)User Rhyme Time #6 16 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar 11, 2018 
#30960 WPBN (past)User Rhyme Time #7 21 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar 18, 2018 
#28869 WPBN Rule #1 20 Donna McFarland (jade8114) Oct 11, 2016 
#28881 WPBN rule #2. 13 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Oct 12, 2016 
#28887 WPBN Rule #3 10 Norma Dee (norm0908) Oct 13, 2016 
#28888 WPBN Rule #3 12 Donna McFarland (jade8114) Oct 13, 2016 
#30946 WPBN User Rhyme Time 12 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar  9, 2018 
#30956 WPbN User Rhyme Time 10 Gaynor Sorrell (gesorrell) Mar 10, 2018 
#31042 WPBN User Rhyme Time #10 19 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Apr  6, 2018 
#30947 WPBN User Rhyme Time #2 11 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar  9, 2018 
#30948 WPBN User Rhyme Time #3 10 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar  9, 2018 
#30949 WPBN User Rhyme Time #4 9 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar  9, 2018 
#30950 WPBN User Rhyme Time #5 24 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar  9, 2018 
#31040 WPBN User Rhyme Time #8 20 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Apr  3, 2018 
#31041 WPBN User Rhyme Time #9 13 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Apr  4, 2018 
#19653 WPC #116 Fun In The Sun 9 Marie Jeanne (Alleycat) Aug 27, 2012 
#26469 WPC #171 Man of Le Mars-a 4 W. Brayton Batson (batsonb) Jan  1, 2015 
#27490 WPC #177 A Memorable Vacation 4 Belita (Belita) Jan  1, 2016 
#27505 WPC #177 Ouch! 1 Belita (Belita) Jan  1, 2016 
#38422 wpc #181 6 Norma Dee (norm0908) Mar 29, 2024 
#7870 WPC #53 - On the brink! 14 Debra Greene (dlegreen) Feb 20, 2010 
#10065 WPC #66 Jan's Magic 8 ball #31 10 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Aug 23, 2010 
#10784 WPC #70 Gotta love..... 5 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Oct 22, 2010 
#13360 WPC #82 Srsly? 12 Kit E. Katz (hello) Apr 13, 2011 
#15417 WPC #89 9 Amy Adams (ajstarner68) Aug  2, 2011 
#15621 WPC #91 - Joe's 8 Amy Adams (ajstarner68) Aug 22, 2011 
#16505 WPC #97 - Rent is cheap. . . 11 Amy Adams (ajstarner68) Nov 24, 2011 
#16504 WPC -#97 All I want for Christmas. . . 9 Amy Adams (ajstarner68) Nov 24, 2011 
#38617 WPC 187 6 Belita (belita) May 11, 2024 
#15488 WPC 90 - coming and going 8 Amy Adams (ajstarner68) Aug  9, 2011 
#15538 WPC 90 - I think I will walk 11 Amy Adams (ajstarner68) Aug 19, 2011 
#25246 WPC#156 Good Morning, Drone! 5 Tonia Bergh (Tonia) Jan  1, 2014 
#26159 WPC#167 Ready to Move? 7 W. Brayton Batson (batsonb) Jan  1, 2015 
#6848 WPC#44: Trouble Up, Trouble Down! 6 Tonia Bergh (tonia) Oct  3, 2009 
#11016 WPC71 I'm commin Beaney Boy! 12 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov 13, 2010 
#27297 Wrestling 0 Hanhong Xue (macroxue) Jan  1, 2016 
#14049 Write something 2 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) May 20, 2011 
#5460 Writers Cramp 10 aliza glatter (cisv247) Mar 29, 2009 
#5857 Writing A Letter - Old Style 21 Gator (gator) May 13, 2009 
#32944 Wrong direction ? 5 Rick (bee) Sep 28, 2019 
#25004 Wrong Quote - Alzheimers? 16 Sonja T (sugarriver) Jul  5, 2014 
#29751 Wrong. Pick again! 5 Al LaPointe (kancamagus) Apr 26, 2017 
#8243 WTH?! 16 Eva Carner (suneva) Apr  2, 2010 
#20121 WWII Enemy 2 Brandie shelby (bdbucky) Oct 20, 2012 
#9768 WWII: Male Call 13 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jul 26, 2010 
#24489 WWP 7 Bryan McQuary (irsponge) May 15, 2014 
#35497 Wyatt 4 Lea E Adams (GeekMom) Dec 18, 2021 
#35499 Wyatt 7 Lea E Adams (GeekMom) Dec 20, 2021 
#30838 w_ _ _ _ n _ _ k _ l l 9 (SebTvHd) Feb  4, 2018 
#28131 X 5 Dusty Carpenter (Dusty86) Jun 11, 2016 
#38309 X 1 Morgan Moffitt (Morgan) Mar  4, 2024 
#38549 X 0 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Apr 27, 2024 
#4977 X 7 Amanda Egeskov Hald (MInimanta) Feb 10, 2009 
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