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Comments on Puzzle #9783: A Slice of Summer
By Kim Barghouti (kimebar.1)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: moderate lookahead?  

Puzzle Description:

#1: Jane Doe (telly) on Jul 28, 2010

looks good enough to eat...too bad someone's beaten me to it. ;)
#2: Liz P (Lizteach) on Jul 28, 2010 [HINT]
I don't know how others were able to solve this, but there is a logical solution.

However, for me it required two-way logic in column 1 and then again in column 3 (I forget which rows), and then some looking ahead to ascertain that for each column where there is a single block of blue, there can be only one position (or, when there are two blocks of one pixel each, two particular positions). That position is the topmost possible position (or sometimes the top and bottommost), because any other position will cause a logical inconsistency later on.

If that makes sense.
#3: Emimonster (Emimonster) on Sep 19, 2021
I've completed the blue through column 12 (and the bit on the right) but after that I'm stuck.
#4: CB Paul (cbpaul) on Sep 19, 2021 [HINT]
As soon as I saw the top clues, I knew what slice it would be!

Emimonster, look at the pattern forming. The green (rind) is separated from the red by 1 white (sometimes more). If you've got it thru col.12, finish that green horizontal into col.13, where it drops, and finish that green horizontal. Now you have the red (& black & white) through col. 23. You can take it from there.
#5: BlackCat (BlackCat) on Sep 19, 2021 [HINT]
Very refreshing image. A fun solve. Thought I was going to have to guess at the bottom and then I saw the pattern, so no guessing.
#6: Emimonster (Emimonster) on Oct 23, 2021
oh I did all the non blue. I only have some blue in the middle left. I can see what the image is supposed to be, but that's not solving with logic.

Goto next topic

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