Web Paint-by-Number Forum
Comments on Puzzle #6445: So tired
By Robyn Broyles (ginkgo100)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: moderate lookahead  

Puzzle Description:

A comatose contortionist cat.

#1: Gator (Gator) on Aug 6, 2009 [HINT]

It did not take me long before I used edge-logic. I started with the 5 clue on the first row, but did not get far with that one. I then used the 4 clue on the bottom row. It solved out normally from there. Nice puzzle.
#2: Robyn Broyles (ginkgo100) on Aug 6, 2009 [HINT] [SPOILER]
Yes, I just couldn't get it to work with just line-logic. So I intentionally adjusted the design so you could get started with edge-logic.

It's actually from a page-a-day calendar I have. When I saw the photo of the twisted sleeping cat, I thought it would make a challenging puzzle. I had to change the markings to make it solvable, but I kept the "buttons" on the belly because I thought they were the best part of the picture!
#3: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Aug 6, 2009 [HINT] [SPOILER]
I was able to place the entire "5" in the first row with edge logic, and most of the 4 on the bottom, right off the bat. Then, as Gator said, it solved easily. It was nice that the entire 5 could be quickly and completely placed easily. I like that type of edge logic.

I saw (and can still see) a man's face (in addition to the cat). He is turned to the left, in 3/4 profile. His face is black, and he is wearing white sunglasses. The right lens is the cat's head, and the larger left lens is the space between the cats head and his tail. He is smoking a cigar (or he has a large wart or something sticking out of his chin).

#4: Teresa K (fasstar) on Aug 8, 2009 [SPOILER]
Very slow for me, but I kept at it, and with edge logic here and there, I was able to solve it logically. Great image, Robyn. The cat looks content and just a little bit crazy, as cats sometimes might be.

Adam, you have quite an imagination. I can see what you describe. :-)
#5: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Aug 8, 2009
#6: Robyn Broyles (ginkgo100) on Aug 8, 2009 [HINT] [SPOILER]
Adam, I can see the guy you describe... those are some awfully strange sunglasses, though...

The edge logic was like that on purpose. In my test solves, I couldn't get started with line logic either, so I added those bits of edge logic intentionally to provide a starting point.
#7: Jota (jota) on Nov 8, 2009
Thanks Robyn! Where are you we miss you at the WC!
#8: Teresa K (fasstar) on Nov 9, 2009
Yes, we miss you. I need my Robyn fix!
#9: BlackCat (BlackCat) on Jun 25, 2014 [SPOILER]
I saw the front part of the cat early on. However, the contortionist is very unclear. Very tough puzzle
#10: Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) on Oct 10, 2017 [SPOILER]
I see the cat now, but I think it looks more like an upward swimming puffer fish. The cat's head looks like fins, the paws look like tail fins, the spread out legs look like the mouth, and the markings on the back and belly look respectively like a face and belly markings (on a creature faced the opposite way).
#11: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Oct 11, 2017
Found to be solvable with moderate lookahead by gator.

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