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Comments on Puzzle #6357: WCP #39 - Some say he never blinks...
By Merili (merilinnuke)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: line logic only  

Puzzle Description:

It's the Stig from BBC's Top Gear, a show about cars. Jeremy Clarkson: "Some say he never blinks, and that he roams around the woods at night foraging for wolves. All we know is, he's called the Stig." (an example of how he is introduced)

#1: Merili (merilinnuke) on Jul 21, 2009 [SPOILER]

The image I used:

And here's more about him:
#2: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Jul 21, 2009 [HINT]
I got 2/3 of the way or so, and got stuck. Then I saw an easy place to use edge logic (the first row of 8 can be completely placed) and then it solved easily. Did I miss something?
#3: Gator (Gator) on Jul 21, 2009 [HINT]
It does not require any edge logic - all line logic. I solved it again just to make sure.
#4: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Jul 21, 2009 [HINT]
I solved it again, too, with pure line logic. Don't know how on earth I got stuck the first time. Very easy. But look can see what I mean about edge logic on the 8. I think I am just in the habit of using it. It was such a great spot for it, (the 8) anyway.
#5: Gator (Gator) on Jul 21, 2009 [HINT]
Yeah, when it is that obvious, it's hard not to use. :) I'm just in the habit of only using line logic unless I have to.
#6: Jota (jota) on Jul 21, 2009
Ditto # 2.
Thanks for your entry!
#7: Jane Doe (telly) on Jul 21, 2009 [SPOILER]
When I finished I thought it was a hamburger...then I read. oops. I've never seen the show. :)
#8: Merili (merilinnuke) on Jul 22, 2009 [SPOILER]
I usually don't watch tv shows about cars, but Top Gear is an exception 'cause it's just so funny. It's on when my kids are already asleep so I'm giggling all alone in the living room. Luckily my kids don't wake up easily :)
#9: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Jul 23, 2009
I did the edge logic number on the first row too because I thought I was stuck. Hmmmmmm.
#10: Byrdie (byrdie) on Feb 26, 2010 [HINT]
Ditto the comments on edge logic. Don't know if I thought I was stuck, it was just so obvious it made it easier to move on.

Not being familiar with the image, it's still a fun puzzle to solve. Good practice.
#11: Jan Wolter (jan) on Feb 26, 2010 [SPOILER]
I've been watching clips of the show on the internet (you can get a lot of excellent clips from the "Top Gear" website). It's an extremely funny show, fun even if you don't give a darn about cars. If you are looking at video clips, look especially for the stunts and challenges. In the challenges, the three hosts are typically given limited amounts of money to complete some automotive challenge. Like buy a cheap car and drive it across africa or across the amazon jungle. Or buy a cheap car, convert it into a boat, an cross the English channel. Or convert a car into a space shuttle and launch it. Many of these stunts would be much less funny if any of the three guys were actually good at this kind of thing. Aside from the mad stunts, the other cornerstone of the show is reviews of absurdly expensive sports car, and there is a segment where a random celebrity tries to set a speed record around their test track. Jeremy Clarkson, especially, is extremely un-PC and in particular has no special fondness for Americans or American cars. The challenge where they buy cheap cars and drive from Miami to New Orleans doesn't particularly show the US in a good light.

There was one episode where Clarkson mentioned that they'd exported their convicts to Australia and the "God Squad" to the US. It occurred to me to wonder what that left them with. Explains a lot, I think.

Anyway, it's amazingly fun. I highly recommend it.
#12: Byrdie (byrdie) on Feb 26, 2010
I'll have to check it out. Sounds like fun.
#13: Merili (merilinnuke) on Feb 27, 2010 [SPOILER]
I remembered the episode where they turned cars into boats and one of them (Jeremy, I think) had almost reached the finish but turned a bit too fast and the water started streaming in. I believe it did reach the finish... but upside down :D
#14: Jan Wolter (jan) on Feb 27, 2010 [SPOILER]
They actually did two car-boat episodes. First they crossed a lake, and then, because they all failed so miserably at that, they sent them across the English channel. The episode you describe is the first of the two.

Here's that one:
That's only the link to the first half, but you'll find a link to the second half when it is done.

I'd go find you a link to the English channel one, but I just ran out of time.
#15: Teresa K (fasstar) on Feb 27, 2010
Oh that was way funny.
#16: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Feb 27, 2010
Ditto #15 (both links).
#17: Merili (merilinnuke) on Feb 27, 2010
yes, that's the episode I meant.
#18: Jan Wolter (jan) on Feb 28, 2010
Here's the English Channel:

#19: Merili (merilinnuke) on Feb 28, 2010
oh yeah, now I remember that one :D LOL
#20: Jane Doe (telly) on Mar 2, 2010
fun show! I enjoyed watching those links thanks. ;)
#21: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Sep 24, 2012
love that show!

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