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solvability: line logic only
Puzzle Description:
Emergency exit sign
#1: Petra Lassen (Stjarna) on Mar 11, 2009 [SPOILER]
That's what they look like here, at least. This one means "Emergency exit to the left", if you want to be precise.#2: Jota (jota) on Mar 11, 2009 [HINT]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view hints#3: Steve Johnson (swjohnson12) on Mar 12, 2009 [SPOILER]
Petra, If your emergency signs are green, what colors are your traffic lights.#4: Petra Lassen (stjarna) on Mar 12, 2009 [SPOILER]
Good sign.
Duh. Red, yellow and green, depending on if it's time to go or not. ;-)#5: Teresa K (fasstar) on Mar 13, 2009
I think the emergency signs are green because they're easier to spot in the dark. The white is actually fluorescent.
Very nice - the image and the puzzle.#6: Kathryn Shattuck (Logiclover) on May 20, 2024 [SPOILER]
Silly me, I thought it was the sign for the bathroom! LOL! Just kidding. My dad told me that joke when I was a kid living in Germany.
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