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Comments on Puzzle #53: Tail Biter
By Jan Wolter (jan)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: line & color logic only  

Puzzle Description:

A knotted Ouroboros. The self-consuming serpent has been a symbol of the cycle of life since Egyptian times. I thought tieing a knot in him would add visual interest.

#1: Philip Snyder (alex72) on Jun 17, 2004

I had a really hard time with this one. I had to quess the pattern to finish it.
#2: Mark Conger (aruba) on Jun 21, 2004
That was a tough one!
#3: Barbara Egan (began) on Mar 10, 2005
Really good one: A challenge, but very solvable without going out on a limb and guessing. Good pic also. I love the ones with more than 2 colors.
#4: Jota (Jota) on Jul 16, 2008

#5: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) on Jul 27, 2008
Ssssensssational! :)
#6: Scott C (estray98) on Jan 1, 2009 [SPOILER]
looks like a snake pretzel... but that could be just because im hungry lol, great job, awesome puzzle =>)
#7: Jota (jota) on Jan 1, 2009
It does look like a pretzel ... though I've never seen them green, not even for St. Patrick's.
#8: Byrdie (byrdie) on Sep 16, 2009
Ditto #s 6 & 7 - This solved from the bottom up for me and until I finished the top I thought it was going to be a pretzel.
#9: Diana W (aeris) on Feb 4, 2011 [SPOILER]
I saw the upside down pretzel too. A snake biting its' own tail is also the symbol for benzene, the basic aromatic ring (made of 6 conjugated carbons in a ring). The guy who figured out benzene was by the fire, and he fell asleep, and he dreamt about a snake chasing and biting its' own tail. (The other version is 6 snakes chasing each other in a circle, biting each others' tails.) It got to chasing itself around so fast that he couldn't tell the parts of the snake apart (or the different snakes apart, for the other version of the story). This led him to realize each carbon in benzene is exactly like every other one, due to the resonance. Yes, I'm a geek. :)
#10: Sofia Bergendal (haesselmaas) on Dec 20, 2011
We have something like that in Nordic mythology too... "MidgÄrdsormen" (the great snake) lived in the ocean and was known to be so big that it could stretch across the entire world and bite its own tail :)
#11: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Feb 7, 2012 [SPOILER]
I thought of the Midgard Serpent as well. Since my dad is Norwegian, I learned all the Norse myths as a child. :)
#12: Velma Jones (cj) on Nov 25, 2013
Tougher than one would expect for such a clean design. Very pretty.

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