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Comments on Puzzle #4381: In December?
By Teresa K (fasstar)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: line logic only  

Puzzle Description:

This butterfly might be sighted in Arizona at this time, as our tempterature this week is over 60 F. But it maybe a bit to windy today for flight.

#1: Stephanie T (laalbacoronada) on Dec 16, 2008 [HINT]

ok, who gave this a difficulty of 5? I was really excited to find a challenging small puzzle, but then discovered it was all a lie! good design though :)
#2: Teresa K (fasstar) on Dec 16, 2008
Nah, that was an easy one. If you want a more challenging small one (no guessing), try this one:
#3: Jane Doe (telly) on Dec 16, 2008
#4: david bryan (bdaved) on Dec 16, 2008 [SPOILER]
It's cold enough over at my house. They've still got the butterfly exhibit at the Botanical Gardens. My girlfriend went to see them this morning.
#5: Teresa K (fasstar) on Dec 16, 2008
That's a beautiful exhibit - magical.

David, isn't it funny how we Zonies complain about the cold because it's no longer in the 70's like it was for the past month? The wind today with 62 made it feel like 55 - Brrrr.
#6: Deana L (ffswife) on Dec 17, 2008
oh shuddup! ;)
#7: Teresa K (fasstar) on Dec 17, 2008
Hey, Deana, if you don't like your winters, come on down here for a visit = I have a guest room with wi-fi. Hope you don't mind scorpions and rattlesnakes. They don't like the cold either.

Ya never know when one of those little invisible critters will suddenly be underfoot - the rattlers outside and the scorpions in the house. I get a scorpion about twice a year. Never been bit. Yet.
#8: Deana L (ffswife) on Dec 17, 2008
I was born in Tucson (only stayed a short while... air force baby), and love the desert. But I also love my forests. And the beach. And the mountains. I think I was a nomad in a prior life. May have to think about visiting.... Especially right now. Got about 3 inches of snow on the ground... Have I mentioned I *hate* snow???
#9: Linda Martin (ilovethispuzzle123) on Jun 13, 2010 [SPOILER]
northern colorado just got snow yesterday - par for the course here. i love the butterly, teresa - has a 70's feel to it - sort of like the wrought iron and inlaid glass trivets that were popular craft projects then. i have a thing for butterlies - or they have one for me. i was walking home once and a huge monarch landed on my shoulder and stayed there even after i went into my house. it flew over to my hibiscus plant and stayed there awhile. then it flew into my shower, i guess to drink up some of the water droplets that were still in there. i coaxed it back up on my shoulder and let it outside. i've gotten them to come to me before and since - i talk to them and crook my finger and they fly to me, usually sitting on my finger for a minute or so.
#10: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jun 14, 2010
That's an amazing story, Linda. It reminds me of the story Wayne Dyer told (on a PBS special)about his daughter (similar experience).

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