Web Paint-by-Number Forum
Comments on Puzzle #31670: American Idiom 6
By Brian Bellis (mootpoint)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: line & color logic only  

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#1: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 10, 2018

Is that anything like the presidential suite?
#2: besmirched tea (Besmirched Tea) on Oct 11, 2018
these are really good!
#3: Velma Warren (Shiro) on Oct 11, 2018
Fun solve. Tough to see at first. Enjoyable play-on-image.
#4: Jill Tallmer (Yidl) on Oct 12, 2018
#5: Mark Wenzel (cheezeman) on Oct 20, 2018
Ok Brian, enough. I've got stuff to do around this apartment. Things like cleaning. You keep making insanely fun puzzles that I can't stop doing. I'm going to get evicted at this rate. Seriously I'm curious about what you do for a living, at least in the sense that is it something creative? I've made a couple of puzzles, enough to know creating puzzles isn't my thing but you just crank out puzzle after puzzle that are fun and easy, for the most part, and instantly recognizable.
#6: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Oct 20, 2018
I think Brian teaches physics?
#7: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Oct 20, 2018
Well Mark. Thank you. I'm a recently retired physics teacher. I taught high school for 30 years. I do a little inventing but this is my primary creative outlet.

Some puzzles just come right out on the first try but most require a lot of reworking to get right. I solve all my puzzles (often multiple times) to make sure they are solvable. Every once in a while, I will publish a puzzle that I can't solve but feel that a better solver will probably figure it out. I never publish a multiple solution puzzle.

If a puzzle is too easy, I try to toughen it up a bit by adding some blotted clues. I am so glad Jan added that feature to the site. I really like blots, but they make the creating time MUCH longer. Too bad there isn't a maximum blotting tool we creators could use to produce the best blotted puzzle more quickly.

Like many people here, I learned my love of these puzzles from Games Magazine. They would publish 6-8 puzzles every other issue and I had a hard time not solving them all on the first day. "Must make them last". But as long as people continue to create, there is an endless supply of puzzles here at webpbn.

The puzzles are great, but it is the ability to comment that makes this a community. Part of the reason that I keep creating is the wonderful feedback I get from solvers. I don't always (or often) reply to comments but I really do appreciate everyone's kind words.

So, thank you Mark and everyone who solves, rates, and comments on my puzzles. I'll try to keep them coming.

#8: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 20, 2018
And thank you, Brian for giving us so may hours of solving fun.
#9: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Oct 20, 2018
I really enjoy your puzzles, Brian. Who was it that used to play on your name and call you "Brain?" Was it Tom? I always remember someone doing that and joking around when you guys would get up to hijinks with some of the puzzles. I still have a subscription to Games Magazine to this day, but I find myself hopping on this site more often than not because of the community aspect. We are some lucky people to be the beneficiaries of Jan's and Valerie's gifts of creation and maintenance...along with some of the more technically inclined members here who help out from time to time. I should keep track of who those important people are....
#10: Jota (jota) on Oct 20, 2018
I do call him Brain, may be someone else does too!
#11: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Oct 21, 2018
My other favorite miss-spelling is Bran. The physics teacher who is good for your rectal-colon health.
#12: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Oct 21, 2018
Lol Jota, I knew it was one of us regular webpbn denizens! Bran, Brian? Geez, now I want to call you Muffin!
#13: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Oct 21, 2018
I think it was Tom, who never called him Brian. :)
#14: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Oct 21, 2018
It's all good.
#15: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Oct 21, 2018
Ok, Muffin.

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