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Comments on Puzzle #31333: A descent profession
By sanane samanye (maceraseven)

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Puzzle Description:

Snake oil salesman

#1: Koreen (mom24plus) on Jun 14, 2018

the profession is hereditary? or because they've fallen down the ladder to the bottom of the career heap?
#2: Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) on Jun 14, 2018
Koreen, I take it you are playing on the difference between decent and descent?

Still, decent or not, I wouldn't want to be a salesperson of any type. I don't have the personality or desire for it.
#3: Alan Lafond (Cural) on Jun 14, 2018 [SPOILER]
I was wondering the same thing, after solving it. I was originally expecting it to be something like mining, based on the puzzle title.
#4: Koreen (mom24plus) on Jun 14, 2018
yes, me too, Alan, although I had no ideas. :-) And yes, AG, I was. I also don't like "pushing people into buying something" and don't like "pushy" salespeople - even though I know that's not every situation or person.
#5: besmirched tea (Besmirched Tea) on Jun 15, 2018 [SPOILER]
I was expecting 'deep sea diver' or 'spelunker' as a "descent" position.

Snakeoil salesman is not a decent profession, as they are generally ripping off their customers.
Not decent at all!
#6: Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) on Jun 15, 2018
Oh! Maybe sanane meant it's "descent" because it's descending in commonality and dying out! …maybe. That is only speculation. I have no idea.
#7: lokidog (lokidog) on Jun 15, 2018
Descent into moral depravity, maybe.
#8: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on Jun 16, 2018 [SPOILER]
But being a fraudster is a decent profession -- they'll take your last cent.

Goto next topic

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