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Comments on Puzzle #3059: Red
By Arduinna (arduinna)

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Puzzle Description:

I know there have been some Hellboy puzzles already, but I don't think anyone has done this picture. I just saw Hellboy II last night-- very, very good!

#1: Arduinna (arduinna) on Jul 12, 2008

This turned out a little easier than I like, but I like the picture, so oh well!
#2: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jul 12, 2008 [SPOILER]
It wasn't bad. I guess I just have no idea what I am looking at. Sorry, Arduinna. It looks like a monkey.
#3: Arduinna (arduinna) on Jul 12, 2008 [SPOILER]
Here's where I got the picture from:


Below it are some pics from the movie, which looks much different. The image I did must be from a comic, though I don't know which one. I'm just starting to get into the comics. Hellboy is a half demon who was raised by humans. He tries to fit in by shaving his horns down close to his head, but he still has a hard time, since he's red and has a tail. He's actually often accused of looking like a monkey! Oh and that's a giant stone hand.

Anyhow, hope that helps! Glad the puz wasn't bad!
#4: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jul 12, 2008
Now I see... thanks for the website.
#5: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jul 12, 2008 [SPOILER]
nicely done

actually Hellboy is a demon not a half one and the German brought him to earth since a legend told of a demon destroying the earth by unlocking the power of pure evil. THe key to that is the right hand of doom wich is undestructible.

The story are collectable in trade paper back format from Dark Horse publishing. The creator and main artist is Mike Mignola and he is largely inpired by mythology from around the world as well as lovecraft stuff and creature

hope it help those of you who where not up to speed with RED
#6: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jul 12, 2008
Umm, ok. Thanks, I guess.
#7: Arduinna (arduinna) on Jul 12, 2008 [SPOILER]
Oh, sorry, Sylvain. They combined the first two series into a giant hard-cover book, which I bought and read, and I swore that something was mentioned about him being half-demon, but I will bow to your superior knowledge! I'm really enjoying it! I also got the first trade paperback of B.P.R.D. and the new Hellboy that came out this week.
#8: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jul 12, 2008 [SPOILER]
good puzzle :)
you can never have too many hellboys (I can't wait to see this new one)
#9: Jane Doe (telly) on Jul 23, 2008
good puzzle, fun to solve.

Goto next topic

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