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#1: Tom King (sgusa) on Aug 8, 2016
Thanks for recreating your puzzles, Kristen!#2: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Aug 8, 2016
Great depiction. Iv'e always meant to go but never made it. They have been racing ostriches in Chandler, Az (a city not to far from Phoenix) for over 25 years.#3: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Aug 8, 2016
Yeah, this is one that has migrated to the US, but its roots are in Africa. :)#4: Teresa K (fasstar) on Aug 8, 2016
Oh how cool!#5: Jota (jota) on Aug 9, 2016
Awesome!#6: Zapman (Zapman) on Aug 11, 2016
You sure Johburg and not Oudtshoorn?#7: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Aug 12, 2016
Nope, I just found an article somewhere about ostrich racing, and Johannesburg was mentioned.
But I see your point. :)
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