peek at solution solve puzzle
version: 3 quality: difficulty:
solvability: line & color logic only
Puzzle Description Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers
#1: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Aug 7, 2016
New version published by kristen.#2: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Aug 7, 2016
New version published by kristen.#3: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Aug 7, 2016
Whoops! I didn't mean to add those extra solves. I had a single pixel that I'd forgotten to make blue, then I saved the puzzle just to be safe. I forgot that it'd generate a new comment with each save. :)#4: Teresa K (fasstar) on Aug 9, 2016
I found this a bit difficult to solve, but I love the final effect. I love how you bring your artistic talents to your puzzles.#5: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Sep 16, 2016
Awesome! This made it to the Brain-Busting list! It's really not *that* bad to solve, if you mark off all of the clues that you've completed.#6: Vaggelis Kamaris (evag7651) on Jun 3, 2017
solved-no guessing#7: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Jun 4, 2017
I don't make puzzles that require guessing. :)#8: derby (Derby) on Feb 4, 2020
Enjoyable puzzle.
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