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Comments on Puzzle #24593: 37.. Today in history..1962...
By valerie o..travis (bigblue)

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Puzzle Description:

...A dump fire in Centralia, Pennsylvania, ignites a blaze in underground coal deposits that continue to burn to this day.

#1: Linda Young (youngl) on May 27, 2014 [SPOILER]

It's hard to believe they can't put this smoldering fire out. I'm not sure there's that much healthy foliage in the area though!
#2: Norma Dee (norm0908) on May 27, 2014
Putting out this fire and thousands of others throughout the world seems to be pretty much impossible for a variety of reasons. However a company in Texas my have a solution using compressed nitrogen foam. They have used it successfully elsewhere and hope they can use it to extinguish the Centralia fire. I found this article to be most informative: http://www.earthmagazine.org/article/hot-hell-firefighting-foam-heats-coal-fire-debate-centralia-pa If they can't put it out it could burn for 250 years.
#3: Gary Webster (glwebste) on May 27, 2014 [SPOILER]
There's one of those in western Colorado, too, that actually started one of our many wildfires a few years ago.
#4: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on May 27, 2014
Great image Travis. :)
#5: Bryan McQuary (irsponge) on May 27, 2014
I read up on Centralia several years ago. Hard to believe a dump fire could do all that. Although I have a pile where I throw tilled grass/soil mix to compost. I set the top on fire and a week later smoke was still coming out of it every once in a while.
#6: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on May 28, 2014
thanks all for your comments :)
norma, thanks for the link, i hope they give CAFSCO a try, it's sounds very promising :)
gary, after reading the article norma posted i can't believe there are hundreds of these fires in the U.S. alone, how very bad for the environment :(
#7: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on Jun 4, 2014
Wyatt's Torch was such a flame, that featured prominently in Atlas Shrugged.

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