peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty:
solvability: line logic only
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#1: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Apr 8, 2014
those darn escalators, always gotta make sure you're going the right way :)#2: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Apr 8, 2014
I was thinking maybe this was an exercise wheel as seen from the inside by a mouse.#3: Heather M (AuntieH) on Apr 8, 2014
You got it Norma! :)#4: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Apr 8, 2014
Travis - definition of perpetual motion = a slinky on an escalator :D
:D#5: Jota (jota) on Apr 8, 2014
Poor guy! He must be very fit ... Thanks Heather!#6: Heather M (AuntieH) on Apr 8, 2014
YW Jota.#7: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Apr 9, 2014
it would seem that way to a mouse#8: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Apr 11, 2014
I got it but I thought gerbil not mouse :)#9: Heather M (AuntieH) on Apr 11, 2014
Thanks Susan. Guess it could be either mouse or gerbil, but the challenge is from the mouse's point of view :)
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