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Comments on Puzzle #23475: If you follow the path....
By Heather M (AuntieH)

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Puzzle Description:

....There's a bathroom on the right... ... or a lake on the left, where you can sit and watch "a bad moon on the rise"

#1: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Jan 5, 2014

Lovely spot and a great puzzle
#2: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Jan 5, 2014
Very nice puzzle. Where are we?
#3: Heather M (auntieh) on Jan 5, 2014 [SPOILER]
We're not anywhere in particular - This is another famous Mondegreen. The lyrics "There's a bad moon on the rise" from "Bad Moon Rising" by Creedence Clearwater Revival have frequently been misheard as "there's a bathroom on the right". Apparently even John Fogerty would deliberately sing the incorrect version on occasion....
#4: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Jan 5, 2014
How funny. Was not familiar with this. I always liked "Eliza Anna Bomination." (A lie's an abomination.) I forgot who said this is what they heard, but they always wondered why her name would pop up in conversations.
#5: Heather M (auntieh) on Jan 5, 2014
LOL Norma. I always liked the story of the student who wrote an essay on The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and quoted "instead of a cross, the Albert Ross / About my neck was hung". Obviously hadn't read the poem, or he would have known it was an albatross.

Every Christmas when I was growing up, I was always amazed that the people in a nearby town were so happy that they had a Christmas Carol written about them - O Tidings of "Cumberland" Joy. I was very disappointed when I learned the real words (Comfort and Joy).
#6: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Jan 5, 2014
It's amazing how even now our language is in a state of flux with new words making their way into the dictionaries. many of which evolved because of misuse.
#7: Wombat (wombatilim) on Jan 14, 2014 [HINT]
Most of this can be completed with line & color logic. There's a bit left over on the upper left that needs a little 2-way logic. If you look at R6 and the two possible placements for the remaining 1 clue, you can see that there's a contradiction in R9 if you place the square in R6C7, so it must go in R6C8 instead. Line logic solves from there.

Goto next topic

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