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solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Heather M (auntieh) on Jan 5, 2014 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#2: Bryan (Cyclone) on Jan 5, 2014
I bid welcome to a fellow Canadian - though I am not an avid viewer of CBC. Unless it's the Olympics. Or something like that. Though I am saddened by the fact that Rogers is gaining control of CBC's flagship Hockey Night in Canada starting this coming playoffs and owning it completely in a few years; CBC has lost its ability to survive in a few years - even now, since HNIC advertising income belongs to Rogers starting then - unless they can draw a prime time audience.#3: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jan 5, 2014
Heather: your puzzle is a delight & your sense of humor is most welcome on this site. Please continue to create more puzzles for us to enjoy.#4: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Jan 5, 2014
Welcome Heather! This is a great puzzle and I look forward to the many more you have in store for us. I too am a Canadian and listen to CBC radio. What part of Canada do you hail from?#5: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Jan 5, 2014
I'm not Canadian, but that doesn't stop me from loving your puzzle and looking forward to more. Once again we find ourselves being delightfully educated.#6: Heather M (auntieh) on Jan 5, 2014
Thanks Folks. I'm glad you enjoyed the puzzle. I've been picking up pointers as I've been lurking around.#7: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jan 5, 2014
Susan - I'm just outside Toronto - close enough to enjoy the benefits that city has to offer, but far enough away that I have a different mayor.
Brian - I'm more of a CBC Radio fan than CBC TV fan. I agree it's a shame HNIC has been acquired by Rogers, but I understand the power of the almighty dollar in these decisions. Unfortunately,just because a company has money to acquire a product, and turn a profit on it, there's no guarantee they'll improve it - otherwise the Leafs might actually have made the playoffs more than once or twice in the past few decades! Hopefully CBC TV can rebrand and find their niche.
Heather... lol @ mayor#8: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Jan 5, 2014
Welcome Heather,always nice to hear from another fellow Canadian,even though your probably a Leaf fan and not a Habs fan,lol. Randy Bachman is a great guitarist and singer. I've been a Bachman fan since his early days with The Guess Who and then with BTO. Blue Collar is one of my favourite BTO songs.Anyone not familiar with BTO should check out this song.Are you in the Oakville or Burlington area Heather or are you the other way toward Brampton? I'm originally from Hamilton. To bad my Tiger Cats didn't win the Grey Cup,but at least they were in it,unlike your Argos,lol.Look forward to more of your puzzles Heather,and welcome to the gang.:)#9: Jota (jota) on Jan 5, 2014
Welcome home Heather!#10: Heather M (auntieh) on Jan 6, 2014
Aldege - I'm actually more of a Habs fan. I was born in Montreal and I can actually remember the Habs winning the Stanley Cup, whereas I was something like 6 weeks old when the Leafs last won. I'm actually just north of TO (Thornhill). In terms of the CFL, I'm more of a Riders fan, although since the red & black Riders disappeared, I've had to settle for the green Riders (for those who don't know, at one point the CFL had 2 teams named the Rough Riders - one in Ottawa, one in Saskatchewan - the Ottawa team has since folded, but they're coming back in their second reincarnation for the upcoming season). I must admit a part of me was rooting for the Guelph TiCats this year, since my folks live there. Better luck next year, when the TiCats are back in Hamilton in their new stadium. :)#11: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Jan 7, 2014
thx for the info Heather,i'm embarrassed to say I haven't been following the CFL much lately and I wasn't aware the Cats weren't playing at Ivor Wynn Stadium and that they're getting a new stadium. Do you happen to know where they're building it. It's about time they get a new stadium. I have many fond memories of Ivor Wynn,mostly from going to watch my Westdale Warriors play there. That's my old Alma mater,Westdale High School. I'm glad Ottawa's making another come back,I remember their golden years with Tony Gabriel,and Russ Jackson(who also went to Westdale Secondary btw) Guelph is a beautiful little city,as is Cambridge,Galt,Waterloo,and that whole area. I spent 59 of my 61 yrs of life in Southwestern Ontario and as much as I love being in Eastern Canada now,I have to admit I miss my old turf.:)#12: Heather M (auntieh) on Jan 7, 2014
Aldege - They're building the new stadium on the site of Ivor Wynn, which is why the TiCats had to find somewhere else to play for the year. There was a lot of controversy about the stadium, although I'll admit that I really only remembered they were moving because of all the TiCat banners in Guelph. I must admit I'm more of a fair-weather sports fan - I might get excited during playoff season(s), but otherwise, don't really follow any sport much. Hope you haven't been too impacted by all the wild weather down east the last few weeks.
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