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Comments on Puzzle #22456: "Work Face"
By Dave Oas (khpdave)

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Puzzle Description:

. . . as opposed to my "other face" (puzzle #22447)

#1: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Jul 29, 2013

I wasn't speeding. Honest. Sir.
#2: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jul 29, 2013
I kept up with traffic.
#3: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Jul 29, 2013
I may have been following too close. Nice image Dave.:)
#4: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on Jul 29, 2013
Stern Face!
#5: Alicia Snyder (prinny) on Jul 29, 2013
Better than a duck face :)
#6: Dave Oas (khpdave) on Jul 29, 2013 [SPOILER]
Gee Whiz, 31 years and I've NEVER heard any of those excuses until now.
Thanks Al (now, back off)
Kristen, we actually have to be kind of careful that people won't think we're having fun at their expense but I always try to make "meetings" as pain-free as possible.
Alicia, I use my duck face when conducting field sobriety tests %[
#7: Synthia McBride (synthia) on Jul 31, 2013 [SPOILER]
I figure that police officers have to face lots of scary things. When I get stopped I try to be the nicest, least scariest thing they will see that day. And although I may not like getting a ticket, I have ALWAYS been guilty of going too fast, so why get mad at the policeman who caught me?
#8: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Jul 31, 2013
I had not been driving very long when I was pulled over by a policeman and couldn't imagine what for and was very nervous. He told me one of my tail lights was not working and gave me a very strange look when I told him, "The blub must have burned out."
#9: Dave Oas (khpdave) on Jul 31, 2013 [SPOILER]
Synthia, your approach is refreshing and very welcome and it reminds me of a conversation I had with a woman on Thanksgiving Day 27 years ago --

I stopped and ticketed a young man for driving way too fast. He told me he was coming from college and headed to Parsons for Thanksgiving dinner with his family. Less than an hour later the dispatcher told me that young man's mother wanted to meet with me. (These kinds of meetings are never good)
There were 8 or 9 cars (including the one I just stopped) parked there and I saw a woman standing on the porch, at the top of the steps. As I approached, I was a little confused because she didn't appear offended or angry and when I started up the stairs, she extended her hand and said, "My name's Kathy. I'm Nathan's mom."
She told me something I'd never heard before from a parent. She said she would much rather have her son come home and tell her he got a ticket than for me to come to her door and tell her something much worse. Before I could finish processing her insight she added, "I don't know if you have anywhere to go for Thanksgiving dinner but you're welcome in our home anytime."

My eyes still well-up when I think about the graciousness of this lady. When I recall all the work-related interactions I've had over the years - the good, the bad, and the ugly - this one memory always rises to the top.
#10: Dave Oas (khpdave) on Jul 31, 2013
Norma, I think I can almost guarantee that officer is still telling your story down at the donut shop.
#11: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jul 31, 2013
thanks for your service, Dave
#12: Dave Oas (khpdave) on Jul 31, 2013
my pleasure, Tom.
#13: Ga Hendrick (GaHendrick) on Sep 14, 2017
Yes, you are one of our unsung heroes. Thank you for being there for all of us.

I loved the story of the mother who thanked you.
#14: BlackCat (BlackCat) on Jun 23, 2018
#15: Jota (jota) on Jul 20, 2023
10 years after this was published I hope you continue to be safe Dave. It's hard times for officers, among other.

Goto next topic

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