Web Paint-by-Number Forum
Comments on Puzzle #20408: Upsie downsie 4
By Tom O'Connell (sensei69)

peek at solution       solve puzzle
  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: deep lookahead  

Puzzle Description:


#1: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Nov 18, 2012

Weight lifter with two heads?
#2: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Nov 18, 2012 [SPOILER]
Nope. In the previous puzzle, she is falling (and if you noticed, a guy is poised ready to catch her), and in this one, that guy caught her.

Excellent puzzle Tom.
#3: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Nov 18, 2012
yrqw Adam
#4: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Oct 27, 2019
Found to be solvable with deep lookahead by infrapinklizzard.
#5: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on Oct 27, 2019 [HINT]
I do not see a moderate lookahead solution to this one.

After LL, we end up with 5pixels +1blot left in both the horizontal and vertical directions.

Everything I see now chases around the rest of the puzzle for at least three steps.

E.G. if the 3 in r2 were in c9-11, then
> r2c12-13 are white
> So c12r4 and c13r6 are black
> So r4c18 and r6c20 are white
> So c18r8 and c20r8 are black
= which is a conflict with the 2 clue in r8. So r2c9 must be white

Then LL to finish.
#6: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on May 26, 2020 [HINT]
or you could solve it like i did joe...after line logic i messed up the logic in my head for summing with blots and dotted C9R2 without sound reason. then it's just line logic to finish. see? much less lookahead.

Goto next topic

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