peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line logic only
Puzzle Description:
Close-up of a Hurricane Evacuation Route sign.
#1: Joel Lynn (furface1) on Nov 18, 2012 [SPOILER]
I had to make it black instead of blue to satisfy the WCP rules. :(#2: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Nov 18, 2012
I told my husband that I never wanted to live someplace where these signs were necessary. He lived in Hampton, VA when we met, and I thought these signs were scary!
thx for entry Joel :)#3: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Nov 18, 2012
nice image!#4: Joel Lynn (furface1) on Nov 18, 2012
I suppose blue/white woulda been acceptable, considering rules only say B/W only....who's to say "B" can't mean blue?
not thinking this is mr furface, T... am I correct in guessing that Lynn is the wife's name/creator of this puzzle and the hubby/wife duo share id? all this time, I thought Lynn was a surname....silly me
sensei, yw#5: Jota (jota) on Nov 18, 2012
bahabro, 'furface' is a persona my husband uses for computer games, and I used it when I started on webpbn. For a long time I did not reveal my gender on this site. Joel is what I would have been named if I had been a boy. Lynn is my actual middle name.
I'm somewhat cautious about what I share on the Internet. While most folks can be considered trustworthy, you never know who might be looking at these comments to find people to scam.
You are correct on every count. Thanks!#6: Joel Lynn (furface1) on Nov 18, 2012
Jota, yw#7: Joel Lynn (furface1) on Nov 18, 2012
Oops, I just completed Kadou's puzzle #20374, which is the same idea. I did not realize it had already been done.#8: Jota (jota) on Nov 18, 2012
Yours is a valid entry, black and white!#9: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Nov 18, 2012
Thanks for helping me out with comment #7!#10: Tom King (sgusa) on Nov 18, 2012
Fun puzzle, JL.#11: Joel Lynn (furface1) on Nov 18, 2012
Adam, glad I saw it before you! :)
sgusa, thx!
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