peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty:
solvability: moderate lookahead
Puzzle Description:
#1: Tom King (sgusa) on Oct 29, 2012 [SPOILER]
Not historically accurate by any means, but abstractly gets the idea across, and it is "current events."#2: Tom King (sgusa) on Oct 29, 2012
Totally solvable. Loser gives 2 stars for difficulty, and can't solve it.#3: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Oct 29, 2012
after initial line logic:#4: Tom King (sgusa) on Oct 29, 2012
simple el on the 6 clue in r20 to dot c18-20 (although CLEARLY only the dot in r20c20 is necessary)
ll to finish
no guessing
honey i blew up the kid?
attack of the 50 foot woman?
Kristen is catching you BUG...LOL Incorrect, but thanks for solving.#5: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Oct 30, 2012 [SPOILER]
I have no idea. Maybe The Golden Compass?#6: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 30, 2012
Got me.#7: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Oct 30, 2012 [HINT] [SPOILER]
Mutiny on the Bounty?#8: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Oct 30, 2012
oh, only the EL dot at C20R20 is necessary, bug ;)
looks to me like a globe and a guy getting shot in the head....the shot heard around the world? is that a movie title?#9: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Oct 30, 2012 [SPOILER]
Pirates of the Caribbean?#10: Tom King (sgusa) on Oct 30, 2012
The Captain and Tennile?.. Oops that's a music group,sort
Come sail away?..Oops again,that's a song by Styx.
David, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are the GRAND PRIZE WINNER of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!#11: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Oct 30, 2012
oh thats a HELM#12: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Nov 15, 2013
i thought it was a giant person next to a ferris wheel
Found to be solvable with moderate lookahead by jan.
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