peek at solution solve puzzle
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solvability: line & color logic only
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Hi, it has been a wile, but hey kids take up most of your time haha. As some of you know i got a son 5 months ago, he was born 6 weeks to early and spend 4 weeks in the hospital. after that he needed surgery,(i posted something on pnb's facebook a while ago) the first 12 weeks of his life were extra hard and difficult for him and for us! But now everything is ok he is doing very well and we love him and are more proud of him everyday. so this one is for our own little superhero my own interpretation of the superman logo for our SuperDylan.
#1: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Jun 11, 2012
Hey Ik,it's so nice to hear from you again. Niki and I are thrilled that Dylan is doing well now after having such a tough start. Sounds like he is going to be a real trooper,and have a good strong personality. Being a parent is hard to begin with,but there's nothing worse than worrying about your child when they're not well. It makes me feel so helpless when Destyny is suffering from a cold or nasal infection and I can't do anything beyond the normal stuff,to comfort her. I'm sure you love being a mother,and i hope for all the best for you and your family. Please keep us informed on Dylan's progress,and make some puzzles to show us his antics,and funny things he does. Take care girl.:)#2: Jennifer McMahon (kalamalama) on Jun 11, 2012
I always hate to hear about little babies having such a tough time, but I'm happy to hear that Dylan is fine now. I agree with Aldege. Since he's managaed such a lot already, he'll probably be the strongest boy among his friends later on. Good luck! God be with you and Dylan. I hope to read only good news about him from now on.#3: Skippy Miller (gmillvmill) on Jun 11, 2012 [SPOILER]
What a blessing he is doing alright! Babies are so precious!#4: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Jun 12, 2012
sounds like you have a tough little trooper there..i'm happy everything is going well superdylan#5: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Jun 12, 2012
Hooray for Dylan!#6: ik (ik) on Jun 13, 2012
Wauw thnx guys!!! it's really nice to read that there are people on the other side of the world who are so consurned about you! make's my hart glow :).#7: ik (ik) on Jun 13, 2012
well he's is really doing grate he "talks" all day long it's really funny! he's trying to roll over but he is smart, he just grabs something and pulls himself over haha!
oh and when he is hungry, it's really hard to wait till he gets his food hihi. he is full of energy, can't sit still and doesn't seem to need very much sleep. ooooh and looooves his bath especially when we go together in the "big" bath. well enough ideas for puzzles!!!
Wauw thnx guys!!! it's really nice to read that there are people on the other side of the world who are so consurned about you! make's my hart glow :).#8: Jota (jota) on Jun 13, 2012
well he's is really doing grate he "talks" all day long it's really funny! he's trying to roll over but he is smart, he just grabs something and pulls himself over haha!
oh and when he is hungry, it's really hard to wait till he gets his food hihi. he is full of energy, can't sit still and doesn't seem to need very much sleep. ooooh and looooves his bath especially when we go together in the "big" bath. well enough ideas for puzzles!!!
So happy to hear you're all doing so well!#9: Ed Donahue (edzoid) on Feb 15, 2017
My oldest spent 51 days in the NICU - now she's picking out grad schools!! Praying that Super Dylan has a bright future ahead of him as well! Keep the bar high for him!!
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