peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty:
solvability: line & color logic only
Puzzle Description:
My rendition for WC#15 which is a logo for the weekly challenge. The image shows a large WC with a computer in the background,a paint brush diagonally across with a red paint smear(bottom left)and the mouse at bottom right.
#1: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on Feb 1, 2012
Very fitting logo :)#2: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Feb 2, 2012
thanks for entry Aldege#3: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Feb 2, 2012
Thx Kristen and Tom.:)#4: Jota (jota) on Feb 2, 2012
And thanks you!#5: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Feb 3, 2012
And you too my good friend,Jota.:)
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