peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty:
solvability: line logic only
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#1: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Aug 30, 2011
Outstanding,Marie-Louise are you aware of the pleasure and enjoyment you are bringing to everyone thru your art? I personally look forward to seeing a puzzle from you daily.I know how busy you are and will be grateful for whenever you can make them,but please don't ever stop.:)#2: annalivia (annalivia) on Aug 30, 2011 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#3: Teresa K (fasstar) on Aug 30, 2011
What a wonderful puzzle! Enjoyable solve and such a lovely image.#4: Lilly Johns (LJohns315) on Aug 30, 2011
You are like a little Aussie Elf - You make surprises for us while we are sleeping. Then you rest while we play. (It's 3 o'clock in the morning right now in Australia.)
Marvelous image, Marie-Louise!#5: harris harris (torough4u) on Aug 30, 2011
wow. i loved this one. amazed on how great it came out#6: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz71) on Aug 30, 2011
Wow, thank you all for your wonderful comments, so lovely to wake up to and read in the morning with my coffee, better than any newspaper :)#7: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Aug 30, 2011
Aldege, I have heaps of work at the moment, I'm a casual assistant at a delicatessen and a few of the other workers are either off sick, got a sore shoulder and have to take it easy or pregnant and have to take it easy too, so I have been flat out at the moment, but I will keep the puzzles coming :)
Teresa, I love your comment, it is like that with most of the players being from over the other side of the world that play on here, it can be so quiet during the day and early evening on this site, and then it all happens over night while I am sleeping, I wake up to new puzzles and comments to catch up on :)
what a great puzzle#8: Meg Tayler (Rebelcat) on Aug 30, 2011
Simply gorgeous! Thank you so much, Marie-Louise. I don't have much time right now, but I wanted to let you know that I am really enjoying your puzzles.#9: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz71) on Aug 30, 2011
Ad this one is the best of the series, so far!
Thank you Meg :)#10: Claudia (clau_bolson) on Aug 30, 2011
I had some trouble solving this, and suddenly the image popped out. It is a beautiful image. Thanks!#11: Jota (jota) on Aug 31, 2011
Gorgeous! Thanks!#12: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz71) on Sep 1, 2011
Thank you Jota :)#13: Jennifer Breed (enigma37) on Sep 1, 2011
Just discovered this site a few weeks ago but have been obsessively doing puzzles since. This is my favorite solve so far!#14: Jennifer Breed (enigma37) on Sep 1, 2011
?#15: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz71) on Sep 1, 2011
Thank you Jennifer :)#16: Alison Deem (Indigo) on Sep 4, 2011
Bravo! Bravo! Wonderful!#17: Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) on Sep 13, 2011
Großartig! (It's german)#18: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz71) on Sep 13, 2011
Danke schön Kai-Uwe! :)#19: Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) on Aug 25, 2020
Thank you Alison :)
You are my favorite creator - your images always delight, and your artistic chops absolutely first-rate. Keep them coming!#20: BlackCat (BlackCat) on Aug 25, 2020
Beautiful image.
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