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quality: difficulty:
solvability: line logic only
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#1: Sarah Andrews (sarah) on Jun 9, 2011
nice#2: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Jun 9, 2011
Nice seven, but it's best to avoid religion and politics in a forum like this.#3: Linda Martin (ilovethispuzzle123) on Jun 9, 2011
Very nice, Brenda. Amen.#4: Byrdie (byrdie) on Jun 9, 2011 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#5: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jun 10, 2011
thanks for entry, Brenda#6: Jota (jota) on Jun 12, 2011
Ditto Martin and Tom.#7: Tom Siebert (tsiebert) on Dec 16, 2012
Nice picture, nonsense description.#8: Jan Wolter (jan) on May 10, 2013
Speaking as the administrator of this site, I welcome religion and politics. I've done several religiously themed puzzles myself, all in honor of religions that I don't believe in (the last bit is kind of inescapable, since my personal religious beliefs are pretty minimalistic).#9: Shrek4fun (Shrek4fun) on Mar 17, 2022
If the puzzle carries it's religious or political message in a aggressive way (e.g., "people who don't believe this deserved to be punished for eternity") then I think it is appropriate to put something in the title to warn off people who don't enjoy hearing such things, but if it's a simple expression of your joy in your own faith, and not a bashing of anyone else's faith, then I don't think even that is necessary.
Thanks Brenda
And thanks to Jan for his openness and support of what he didn't even believe in.
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