peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty:
solvability: line & color logic only
Puzzle Description:
Didjeridu or Didgeridoo is the most interesting Aboriginal musical instrument. It is an unstopped hollowed piece of bamboo or termite-hollowed wood, about four or five feet long, and two or more inches in internal diameter, with a mouth-piece made of beeswax or hardened gum. The player blows into the instrument in trumpet fashion.
#1: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Mar 3, 2011
Beautiful image#2: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Mar 3, 2011 [SPOILER]
best instrument ever :)#3: Jota (jota) on Mar 3, 2011
Thanks for a wonderful entry! Beautiful and difficult!#4: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Mar 3, 2011
very cool puzzle but a challenge to solve#5: Jane Doe (telly) on Mar 3, 2011
after getting a cross of green and some dots along the borders with color logic at the very beginning you get stuck
edge logic on row 40 gives you a "row" of dots to edge logic on row 39 which give you the same thing, etc thus proving the red 1 in row 39 goes to the far left
more edge logic at the top left corner lets you then place the far right area
then more edge logic everywhere especially at the top then color/line logic to finish
Totally challenging. I'm not sure how I got it to solve.#6: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Mar 4, 2011
thanks was a challenge to make it logically solvable, but well worth it..i like the way it came out#7: Teresa K (fasstar) on Mar 11, 2011
What a fantastic puzzle. The logic was very tricky, but so much fun. I think this is my favorite for this series so far.#8: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Mar 12, 2011
thank you very much teresa#9: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Mar 12, 2011
thx 4 entry ... toughie#10: Byrdie (byrdie) on Mar 13, 2011
Lots of blank faced staring time followed by some aha moments. A real interesting challenge.#11: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Mar 13, 2011
aha moments...they're the best when that lightbulb goes on over your head byrdie#12: Jane Butcher (jane-o) on Sep 3, 2011
I really thought this was going to be Dr. Who's sonic screwdriver.
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