peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty:
solvability: line logic only
Puzzle Description:
Balustrades on the second floor of the Thai Khufa Building in Bangkok, where the Prime Minister and his cabinet rule Thailand. The title is explained in the comments.
#1: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jan 4, 2011 [SPOILER]
Bob and Kate were on their way to the Royal Plaza when they passed a building so beautiful that Kate begged the driver to stop. She asked if they could go inside. The driver explained that this was the government building, and no visitors are allowed. Except on Children's Day, which is next Saturday.#2: bugaboo (bugaboo) on Jan 4, 2011
When Bob and Kate returned on Saturday, they saw a huge carnival outside:
Bob and Kate were overwhelmed with the beauty of the interior:
There were so many beautiful rooms and doorways and domes, I wanted to make puzzles of them all. I actually tried making four other puzzles before this one, but this was the only one I could make to be solvable. I hope you enjoyed solving the Venitian Gothic windows.
very elegant#3: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jan 5, 2011
nicely done as always
Thanks, Bugaboo.#4: Jota (jota) on Jan 5, 2011
THANKS!#5: Linda Martin (ilovethispuzzle123) on Jan 5, 2011
wow - i enjoyed this very much. another satisfying solve and a splendid image. i love the detail you put into your puzzles, teresa.#6: Billie Patterson (bpat) on Jan 6, 2011
Wonderful puzzle!#7: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jan 6, 2011
Thanks, Linda and Billie. I put a lot of work into this one.#8: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Jan 7, 2011
It looks like you put a lot of work into this one and so did we! Very beautiful.#9: Beth (shasta) on Jan 8, 2011
Absolutely loved it! The solving and the image. By the time I was done and had forgotten about the theme, I thought it was the house from Hansel and Gretal. Thanks#10: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jan 9, 2011
thanks for your lovely entry T#11: Jane Doe (telly) on Jan 9, 2011
wonderful.#12: Al LaPointe (kancamagus) on Jun 19, 2011
what a beautiful puzzle! it is certainly the best i have solved lately! i hope you return to puzzle crafting soon!#13: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jun 19, 2011
Thanks, Al. I'm working on a few, but not quite satisfied enough to publish yet.#14: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jun 20, 2011
T always comes back#15: Lollipop (lollipop) on May 24, 2013
Stunning. Thank you.#16: Vaggelis Kamaris (evag7651) on Nov 3, 2020
one of the best#17: Teresa K (fasstar) on Nov 14, 2020
Thanks, Vaggelis!!
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